On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


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Bleeding Edge TV on FiOS

If you’ve followed us for any amount of time, then you’d be familiar with our gadget and tech video show, Bleeding Edge TV. You can find it here on Gear Live, on YouTube, on Blip.tv, and a bunch of other places on the interwebs. However, today we are happy to tell you that if you are a FiOS TV subscriber, you can catch the show there as well, on demand. To check it out, just pull up On Demand, and go into The Cutting Edge category. From there, choose Blip.tv, and you’ll find us (along with other top Blip-hosted programming). Expect to see our other show, Unboxing Live up there shortly as well.

For those of you on other cable systems, no worries - we are working hard to bring our content to your cable boxes as well. In the meantime, the Internet will have to do.

Gallery: Catch Bleeding Edge TV on FiOS TV


Xbox AvatarIt’s Halloween, and we just know that some of you are gonna be going crazy tonight, and that you could care less about any warnings. Nevertheless, we want to wish everyone a safe Halloween, don’t drown while bobbing for apples (do people still do that?) and don’t overdose on candy. Leave that to us. As an aside, what you see to the right is my Xbox Avatar, all dressed up for Halloween. What’s the costume? Beats me, but its still cool. In case you haven’t seen it, go ahead and check out our New Xbox Experience video tour for a look at all the avatar love, coming November 19th.

Gallery: Our Xbox Avatar wishes you Happy Halloween

Alright, let’s take a break for just a moment away from the standard news fare. We know that you guys love the gadgets, gizmos, and consumer electronics just as much as we do.  These expensive and cool toys are often a marvel when you break them down to the technology that drives them. That’s what makes what we do fun, and why we love the interaction we have with our readers. However, we want to focus a bit of attention on the young ones in our country who would be happy to have a calculator for use in class, and the teachers who work for districts that can’t afford things like projectors for use in their schools.

Gear Live has joined the 2008 DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge, and we have chosen eight great causes that are centered around getting some basic technology and literature into classrooms located in our local area, as well as some of the hardest areas still suffering the affects of Hurricanes Ike and Katrina. We’ve chosen eight causes that we thought touched on what we believed in, and you can take a look at them and choose which one(s) you want to help. Our goal is to raise $5,000 for the children of our nation. Just know that the money you donate will go directly to that specific teacher request - not into some big pot of money that is then doled out by the organization.

Some of the most expensive purchases for schools are consumer electronics. We believe that all children need to get acquainted with the tools of the future as they learn so they when they are ready to hit the workforce, they can succeed alongside their peers. Please, help us in assisting teachers, children, and schools in low-income areas get the tools they need to help their children excel.

Read More | Gear Live Gives Back 2008

Gallery: Gear Live Gives Back 2008: Education Charity Drive

Gear Live iPhone giveaway

We wanted to shout out the winners of the customized Gear Live iPhone giveaway that we held a couple of weeks ago. We let three winners walk away with a piece of the action, with the grand prize, of course, winning our orange painted .

The grand prize went to

Kat. She gets the iPhone, an LRG T-shirt, a couple of Monster Cable accessories, and a few LRG Monster iPhone cases. Second place went to x1xtomx1x. He doesn’t get an iPhone or anything, but he does get a couple of the LRG Monster iPhone cases, the shirt, and the accessories. Third place went to Shan Gee, and he gets one less LRG case than x1 gets.

So there you have it, the end to another Gear Live contest. Stay tuned though, we still have a bunch of stuff that we plan on giving away to your readers. You know, like , Microsoft , etc. In the meantime, be sure you are a Gear Live member.

Gallery: Gear Live custom iPhone contest winners

Alderwood Mall iPhone 3G

Hey Seattle line-waiters - Gear Live is gonna be in full effect at the Alderwood Mall Apple Store starting tonight at midnight. We are gonna be in line to make sure we get our hands on a white iPhone 3G, and we figured that instead of sitting around like a bunch of geeks who sit in line waiting for a cell phone launch (which we totally aren’t), we would have some fun. We will have a bunch of iPhone accessories available that we will be giving away, and we will have an early preview of Tap Tap Revenge to show off. We will do some one-on-one games in Tap Tap, and winners will get some cool gear.

We will also have our cameras with us as well so we can get all your opinions and thoughts on all things Apple for Bleeding Edge TV. So if you are in the area and plan on waiting in line for iPhone 3G to launch in the morning, hit up the Alderwood Mall location with us. We promise that our awesomeness won’t kill you.

EDIT: I am andruedwards on Twitter. I know a bunch of you are on that.

Gallery: In Seattle? We will be giving away iPhone gear at Alderwood Mall Apple Store tonight!

MyGlobalTalk Gear Live free promo

Yesterday, we put up 1,000 invites to the MyGlobalTalk Gear Live Windows Mobile beta test. The $50,000 in credits went almost instantly, so we talked the company into giving us 1,000 more. We got a bunch of emails from you guys complaining that you weren’t able to get in, so no more whining, and just click over and grab an invite already, okay? In case you are new and aren’t sure what this is all about, here you go:

If you are into chatting on your cell phone, beta testing different services, and getting free stuff, then you are going to like this one. MyGlobalTalk has just given us $50,000 worth of calling services on their new VoIP application for Windows Mobile phones to give away to Gear Live readers. We are giving that away to 1,000 readers, in $50 increments. That’s good for over 2,000 minutes of international talk time. There are just three prerequisites:

  • You have a Windows Mobile smartphone/Pocket PC.
  • Your Windows Mobile Operating System is 5.0 or 6.0. For Windows Mobile 5.0 click here to download the .NET Compact Framework update.
  • Give MyGlobalTalk your honest feedback on the application. They know it’s not perfect yet but with your help, they can improve.

Now just head over to the MyGlobalTalk Gear Live signup page, download the app, and you are up and running. Once you get logged in, you will find $50 waiting for you in your account. Not too shabby, right? The best thing about the service is that you don’t need to be within range of a WiFi signal or hotspot to use it.

Read More | MyGlobalTalk Gear Live beta

Gallery: MyGlobalTalk $50,000 Gear Live Beta Giveaway (Take Two)

MyGlobalTalk Gear Live free promo

EDIT: Wow. Those went quick. We just talked with the guys at MyGlobalTalk, and we will have 1,000 more to give away tomorrow. How do you like that? Stay tuned!

If you are into chatting on your cell phone, beta testing different services, and getting free stuff, then you are going to like this one. MyGlobalTalk has just given us $50,000 worth of calling services on their new VoIP application for Windows Mobile phones to give away to Gear Live readers. We are giving that away to 1,000 readers, in $50 increments. That’s good for over 2,000 minutes of international talk time. There are just three prerequisites:

  • You have a Windows Mobile smartphone/Pocket PC.
  • Your Windows Mobile Operating System is 5.0 or 6.0. For Windows Mobile 5.0 click here to download the .NET Compact Framework update.
  • Give MyGlobalTalk your honest feedback on the application. They know it’s not perfect yet but with your help, they can improve.

Now just head over to the MyGlobalTalk Gear Live signup page, download the app, and you are up and running. Once you get logged in, you will find $50 waiting for you in your account. Not too shabby, right? The best thing about the service is that you don’t need to be within range of a WiFi signal or hotspot to use it.

Read More | MyGlobalTalk Gear Live beta

Gallery: MyGlobalTalk $50,000 Gear Live Beta Giveaway

Gear Live iPhone

As Gear Live member x1xtomx1x discovered and shared with us on the forums today, the Gear Live iPhone that we are giving away is actually featured in the ColorWare gallery. Very nice find.

Remember, you are eligible to enter to win this customized iPhone. Check out the official rules to find out how.

Gallery: ColorWare features Gear Live iPhone

VellVett performing at the 2014 Gear Live Holiday Bash

Since our last giveaway contest went so well (and the Dragon computer is on its way to our winner!), we thought you guys might be interested in yet another opportunity to win some cool stuff from Gear Live. That’s why we are giving away a one-of-a-kind customized , along with a bunch of accessories from LRG and Monster Cable. Even better? This time, we will have three winners.

Gear Live iPhone giveaway

What makes our so special? Well, we’ve had it customized and done up in Gear Live colors. Heck, we even put our logo on it, so you can rock the fact that you are a fan of what we do here. Also, we will unlock it for you, if you like, prior to sending it over. We are gonna make this one easy too. The contest starts today, and will end on July 2, 2008. Between now and then, we are gonna be monitoring comments left throughout Gear Live, and forum posts. If you are a regular participants in those areas, you will have an opportunity to win. On July 3, we will compile a list of members who have been active during the contest period, and we will then choose our first, second, and third place winners randomly. Here are the full details on the three packages:

Grand Prize:

  • Customized orange Gear Live iPhone
  • 3 LRG | Monster iPhone cases of your choosing
  • LRG Tee Shirt
  • iCableLink iPhone headphone jack adapter
  • iSoniTalk iPhone microphone

Second Place:

  • 2 LRG | Monster iPhone cases of your choosing
  • LRG Tee Shirt
  • iCableLink iPhone headphone jack adapter
  • iSoniTalk iPhone microphone

Third Place:

  • 1 LRG | Monster iPhone cases of your choosing
  • LRG Tee Shirt
  • iCableLink iPhone headphone jack adapter
  • iSoniTalk iPhone microphone

Oh, and just to be clear, if you spam, you are eliminated from the contest. We are looking for people who genuinely add to the conversation across our network in blog comment posts, and on the Gear Live Forums. That means you have to be a member of the site to win, so if you aren’t already, go ahead and sign up. One last thing, we can only award the prize to a resident of the USA. If you plan on winning and you don’t live here, you’d better have a cousin or great aunt with an address in the US that we can ship your package to.

A big thank you to LRG and Monster Cable for helping us out with this contest.

Gallery: Contest: Win a custom Gear Live iPhone, LRG cases, and Monster Cable Accessories!

HP HDX Dragon giveaway

Alright, we’ve hyped it for over a month - the contest was our second biggest giveaway in the history of Gear Live. The rules were simple - interact with Gear Live and our community, and don’t spam. You earn points for different actions you take on the site, and the person with the most points at the end of the contest would be declared the winner, as long as they didn’t resort to spamming to get there.

We saw a lot of new activity across the board. Comments, forum posts, gallery comments, new members, and the list goes on…but there could only be one winner. Do note, if you didn’t win, we have another contest starting next week where we will be giving away our customized Gear Live as the grand prize, with a couple of runner up prizes as well.

Okay, we’ve waiting long enough. The winner of the HDX Dragon computer package is…

Click to continue reading Announcing the winner of our HP HDX Dragon computer package…

Gallery: Announcing the winner of our HP HDX Dragon computer package…
