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Activision logoWe reported a while back how Sony had planned on releasing less new titles for PS3 and now we may know one reason why. Friday, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick released a report stating that it may stop making games for the Playstation 3 in the US. It seems that high cost of development and poor sales are the reason. He claimed that the price of the PS3 was too high at $399.99, compared to the better sales records for the less expensive Wii and Xbox.

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Gallery: Activision May Stop Games for PS3


DJ HeroWe already mentioned the new Guitar Hero 5 that will be coming out this year. In addition, Activision has released the rest of their lineup for PS2, PS3, Xbox and Wii that includes:

  • Tony Hawk: Ride
  • Modern Warfare 2
  • DJ Hero
  • Guitar Hero 5
  • Blur
  • Singularity
  • Prototype
  • Wolfenstein
  • Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

Lots of titles, lots of variety and, most important, a whole lotta music goin’ on.

By the way, you can win a set of 5 tickets to 5 different concerts if you enter the GH5 scavenger hunt. Look for the list of artists that will appear in the game by searching online and verify the information by June 25.

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Gallery: Activision New Game Lineup

GH 3Activision has announced that Guitar Hero 5 will be available for the PS3, PS2, Xbox and Wii this fall. The new game has a set list of tunes from 85 different bands such as the Stones, Tom Petty, Kings of Leon and the White Stripes. The company says more than 25 musicians will make their debut in the game. Also new to the game are Party Play and RockFest modes, and Band Moments that gives the entire band a point boost for a good performance.

Read More | Activision

Gallery: Guitar Hero 5 - New Features, More Musicians

Danny Johnson

Danny Johnson, a 14 year-old from Grapevine, Texas, set a world record playing Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. At a Best Buy in midtown Manhattan, he scored 973,954 points with about 7 minutes of DragonForce’s “Through the Fire and Flames,” considered by some to be the game’s most difficult song. The previous record was made last August with a score of 899,703. Danny claims that he relied on the Star Power function to get those bonus points and said that his ability to play real instruments made the game easier.

Read More | NY Times

Gallery: Danny Johnson Sets World Record With Guitar Hero III

From the Department of Plastic Instruments, we present you this little nugget of wondrousness: While you were struggling with a bag of cheese doodles, 14-year-old Danny Johnson entered the Guinness Book of World Records by scoring an astounding 973,954 points on “Through The Fire and the Flames”, the song infamous as a destroyer of worlds and eater of babies. It’s a 99% attempt, which is less than previous title holder Chris Chike’s astounding 100% run-through (see above video), but it IS possible to get a higher score with careful Star Power placement. Hit the jump for the full press release.

Click to continue reading Guitar Hero player enters Guinness World Records, Rush still shunned from Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame

Gallery: Guitar Hero player enters Guinness World Records, Rush still shunned from Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame

Guitar Hero: AerosmithWalk this way to get a tuneful game for less. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is available this week (or until they sell out) for a mere $24.90. The game features master tracks from the band as well as others chosen by them like Cheap Trick and Joan Jett. It is region free and works on any Xbox 360. Originally released July 2, 2008, grab one quick and show your buds that you truly are the master musician.

Read More | Play-Asia

Gallery: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith - Hot Deal


Hay fanboys, listen up! And before you read anything, the following was from FORBES, not Bobby Kotick, for the sake of / wars everywhere.

In a recent profile of CEO and industry provocateur Bobby Kotick, Forbes decided to talk about a number of Activision bread and butter franchises, such as Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater (whose empty, frail husk now litters that halls of Activision, milked clean of its sweet, sweet nectar). Somewhere around the end, though, is an interesting little snippet of text:

“EA also teamed with MTV to sell Rock Band, a shameless knockoff of Guitar Hero that added drums, bass and a microphone to the world of make-believe rock stars. EA says it is returning to an “auteur model” of designing games, taking bigger chances on fewer ideas.”

Look, we should all see this kind of writing for what it really is: Unresearched and inflammatory. Even if you didn’t know that the Rock Band guys are the guys who made Guitar Hero in the first place, it’s a wee bit unprofessional to take sides. I’ve worked for Activision, and they’ve said some crazy things regarding the music game timeline, but don’t confuse the quote as coming from Kotick.

Funny how they don’t mention Guitar Hero: World Tour anywhere.

Read More | Forbes

Gallery: Forbes Magazine calls Rock Band “Shameless Knockoff” of Guitar Hero, Alex Rigopulos’ Head Asplodes

Guitar Hero Pocket GameNow you can take your Guitar Hero with you. The pocket-sized version of the musical game comes with 3 levels of play, 10 track segments and 5 wav tone buttons. The Guitar Hero Carabineer has an LCD screen, a foldable neck, a whammy bar and a handy clip. Songs include “Rock This Town,” “Heart Shaped Box,” “Killer Queen” and “Smoke on the Water.” The portable game comes with a MSRP of £14.95 (~$22.00.)

Read More | Boys Stuff

Gallery: Guitar Hero Pocket Game

Guitar Controller

Logitech has announced their Wireless Guitar Controller, Premiere Edition for the Playstation 2 and 3 Guitar Hero. The neck and quiet fingerboard are made of wood and the frets and tuning peg handles are metal. The device has a 2.4GHz wireless USB receiver and a battery life of “hundreds of hours.” The controller has a range of up to 30 ft. and a bonus gig bag with pockets for accessories is included. Pre-order the nifty device for $249.99 for a December delivery.


Read More | Logitech

Gallery: Logitech Premiere Edition Wireless Guitar Controller

Death Magnetic Guitar Hero III

If you’re keen on the ways of the music world, you may be interested: Metallica’s new album, Death Magnetic, will be released in its entirety on III this friday. It’ll also have full compatibility with the upcoming Guitar Hero: World Tour on all instruments, and will feature two exclusive renditions of the song “Suicide and Redemption” featuring extended solos. It’ll cost $17.99 on PSN or 1440 MS Points, though I would hope they might offer it for free to people who blew money on St. Anger. If you haven’t heard the new songs yet, they’re actually a pretty good throwback to the “...And Justice For All” days, though perhaps not to the stuff they wrote before bassist Cliff Burton succumbed to a bad case of being crushed by a tour bus. Check out the full press release after the break.

Click to continue reading Metallica’s Death Magnetic Come to Guitar Hero III This Friday

Gallery: Metallica’s Death Magnetic Come to Guitar Hero III This Friday
