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Wednesday May 4, 2011 1:51 pm

Windows Phone 7 NoDo update finally hitting HTC Surround

HTC Surround NoDo Update

Microsoft on Tuesday started rolling out its Windows Phone 7 "NoDo" update to the HTC Surround, the last U.S. smartphone on the platform to get the upgrade.

Separately, Microsoft also started rolling out the first security update for Windows Phone 7, which fixes nine fradulent third-party digital certificates.

Like other Windows Phone 7 users, those with an HTC Surround will receive two updates, the first of which will be for a minor update first rolled out in February. Once that's updated, users can move on to the March update, which includes copy and paste, improved Marketplace search, and faster app launching.

Windows Phones check for updates every three days, so it might not appear right away. If you don't want to wait, you can check for it manually via the Zune software on the PC. Just plug the phone in via USB and click "update now." Once the February update is installed, you will have to unplug the phone and plug it back in to receive the March "cut and paste" update. Microsoft has a how-to guide on its Web site.

The update is also rolling out to Surround users on Deutsche Telekom in Europe and Optus customers in Australia; Microsoft is also scheduling "NoDo" for Telstra users in Australia.

"As I've said many times, we're not resting until we complete this job for everyone," Microsoft's Eric Hautala wrote in a blog post. "We know there's more work to do—including tracking down and solving issues as they come to our attention."

The update, known as "NoDo," started rolling out to the HTC HD7 and the Dell Venue Pro in March and to the Samsung Focus and LG Quantum in April. The update came pre-installed on the HTC Arrive.

This first Windows Phone 7 update has had a bit of a rough road, and it appears Microsoft is still working through some issues. Hautala said some Samsung Focus users have not yet received an update notification, and this is likely due to the phone's flash memory components.

"To accommodate high demand for the Focus last year, two separate sources of flash memory components were required during manufacturing. Focus models are identical in all other ways," he wrote. "Most Focus owners are receiving our updates. But some customers with handsets containing the alternative memory component aren't. We're now working closely with Samsung and AT&T to test and deliver an update for this group. As soon as I have more specifics, I'll let you know."

Hautala also said Microsoft recently stopped the update for the Samsung Omnia 7 after learning of a technical issue that required a new update software package. "The new package is nearly ready, and we're eager to resume updates to this model," he wrote.

On the security front, meanwhile, Microsoft is rolling out an update known as "7392." It "adds no new features to your phone. Its sole purpose is to fix nine fraudulent third-party digital certificates," Hautala wrote. "Once installed, you'll see 'OS version: 7.0.7392.0' when you tap Settings>About>More Info on your phone."

The digital certificates are used to access popular Web sites and email portals, Microsoft said, including Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, Skype, and Mozilla.

"Although this is not a Microsoft security vulnerability, these untrusted certificates may be used to spoof content, perform phishing attacks, or perform man-in-the-middle attacks against all web browser users," Microsoft said in its security advisory. "This update moves the affected certificates to the 'Untrusted Publishers' certificate store on Windows Phone, which helps ensure that these fraudulent certificates are not inadvertently used."

In other Windows Phone 7 news, Microsoft said the Bank of America app is now available for U.S. customers in the Marketplace.

This article, written by Chloe Albanesius, originally appeared on PCMag.com and is republished on Gear Live with the permission of Ziff Davis, Inc.

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