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Tuesday March 21, 2006 5:52 pm
Tinpod iPod Cases

A popular case for the iPod nanos (and shuffles) when they first arrived, was a modified version of the ever handy Altoid’s tin. The size was just right, and they made for a discrete way to cart the iPod around. Of course, not everyone wants to make their own carrying case, and some prefer something with a bit more panache, and that’s where the Tinpod enters the scene. The Tinpods are lined with 3mm of neoprene to protect and cushion your iPod (3G, 4G and 5G), have ports for your headphones, and come in three different graphic patterns. Each pattern is part of a limited edition set with only 5,000 of each available.
Not as inexpensive as an Altoid tin, but arguably more appealing. Available now for $16.95 USD each or get a pair for $29.95.
Read More | Tinpod via Techie Diva