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Thursday December 31, 2015 5:05 am
Thank You, and Happy New Year!
I wanted to take a moment to thank you, our readers and viewers, for making 2015 another great year here at Gear Live.
Gear Live isn't just a job for me--it's not just a means to earn a living. This is my place where I have the privilege of sharing my thoughts on the world of technology, give my opinion, answer your questions, and most importantly, be a part of the community that has grown around the content I produce, both in written word and in video. As such, Gear Live means a lot to me, and it's an honor that it means enough to you that you take some time out of your week to spend it here on this website, over on our YouTube channel, and/or in your social media feeds.
If you are a Gear Live Patron, paying $1 per month or more, I want to thank you a little more. It may seem like a trivial amount of money, but I mean it whole-heartedly when I say that it helps keep the servers running, and the content flowing. You help make what I do here possible.
If you've been a sponsor of Gear Live during 2015, just know that your help is important and highly appreciated as well.
Gear Live is bigger than just me, and the help could not have done it without you year this year.
Thanks everyone. I hope you had a great Christmas, are enjoying the holiday season, and have a very happy and joyous New Year!