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Monday September 21, 2015 7:16 am

Star Wars BB-8 Sphero Giveaway!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Toys, Videos

Remember that BB-8 Star Wars Droid made by Sphero that took over the Internet back on Force Friday? Well,  we thought we'd bring you guys a giveaway so you can win a Star Wars BB-8 Sphero Droid of your very own! They are hard to find, but we've got two of them here that we're giving away to two of our YouTube subscribers. I've teamed up with two of my favorite YouTubers, Chris Pirillo and Erica Griffin, to bring this giveaway to you.

Rules to enter are listed below, or you can just watch the video for all the details! Enjoy!


1.) Subscribe to Andru Edwards - http://gear.lv/Sub-Andru
2.) Subscribe to Chris Pirillo - http://bit.ly/subchris
3.) Subscribe to Erica Griffin - http://bit.ly/sub-erica
4.) Post a comment in a giveaway video. 1 Comment = 1 Entry
5) BONUS: Post a comment in all 3 giveaway videos = 3 Entries!
6.) Winner randomly chosen September 23, 2015
7.) Winners to be announced on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and video description. Make sure you're following! Details below.
8) Any applicable international customs/duty fees will be paid by winner

Andru's video - https://youtu.be/ZkFTUrs9ppI
Chris' Video - https://youtu.be/74XtsefVc4E
Erica's video - https://youtu.be/hziysnYPtqQ

Andru: http://www.twitter.com/AndruEdwards
Chris: http://www.twitter.com/ChrisPirillo
Erica: https://twitter.com/iAm_Erica

Andru: http://www.instagram.com/andru
Chris: http://www.instagram.com/ChrisPirillo

Andru: https://www.facebook.com/Andru
Chris: http://www.facebook.com/ChrisPirillo
Erica: https://www.facebook.com/theangelofmusic1989

Andru: http://plus.google.com/+AndruEdwards
Chris: http://plus.google.com/+ChrisPirillo
Erica: http://plus.google.com/+EricaGriffin

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