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Thursday March 1, 2007 2:38 pm
South Korean Experts Predict Future Technology
South Korea, as we all know, are oftentimes at the forefront of new technology. Interviews with 3,500 tech experts by their government recently came up with these results:
- By the year 2012, it is predicted that cell phone batteries will last two months between recharges.
- Around the year 2015, soldiers will be wearing waterproof, bulletproof clothing that will camouflage to alter its appearance.
- Also by 2018, robots will be performing surgery, and some of them will be tiny enough to swim inside your body alongside blood vessels to correct anything that is not completely Kosher.
- By the year 2015, the Internet will be able to deliver odors to a fragrance cartridge or other such gadget sitting next to your computer.
Although we admit that it is interesting to learn what experts predict for the future, we’re not sure that we are ready for Internet aromatherapy just yet.
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