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Friday March 30, 2007 1:08 pm

Soldiers Test Bomb-proof Vehicles

prototype vehicleSoldiers at Ft. Lewis, Washington have gotten to test two prototype utility trucks and two maneuverable sustainment vehicles as part of the Army’s new $60 million modernization program. These vehicles come equipped with remote weapon systems, video cameras, touch screen control, night vision capability, and what they feel is enough strength to sustain a concussion of a roadside bomb. They also feature diesel-electric hybrid engines.

Tim Conner, the Defense Department contractor who is overseeing the project says, “If you want to sneak up on someone, you turn on the electric ... which also boosts the horsepower,” he said.

The Marine Corps is also planning to test the vehicles during the last two weeks of April, then they will be displayed at the Pentagon. Look for them soon in a war near you.

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