On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


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Saturday June 13, 2009 11:11 am

Gear Live Turns 5, gets to wear big boy pants!

Gear Live

Whoa! Gear Live is now five years old—can you believe that? I sure can’t. It seems like it was just yesterday that I started up this little blog, to share my thoughts on consumer electronics in my spare time, and eventually getting a friend to help me post some news. Before we knew it, this become my full-time gig, and we were adding writers, and sections, left and right. Today, Gear Live has over 20,000 articles spread across our various sections, headed up by some of the best writers in the blogging game. We’ve got video shows, giveaways, and a social network that we are building as well. Regardless of how many things we’ve got going on from the past, we will always have some neat tricks up our collective sleeves in the future.

So how are we celebrating? Well, how about if we gave you presents? Since it’s our fifth birthday, we decided we would give away five Mophie Juice Pack Airs. After all, people are all over the if our numbers are correct (they are,) and what better way to celebrate than by doubling the battery life of your iPhone 3G or 3G S?

How do you enter? Simple. Just leave a reply in our ‘Gear Live Turns 5’ forum thread, letting us know what your favorite Gear Live story of all time happens to be. It can be a text update, or one of our videos. Just leave a link and tell us why you liked it. Once you’ve done that, head on over to Twitter and tweet the following:

“@gearlive Turns 5, and I just entered to win a Mophie Juice Pack Air! http://bit.ly/mophie-air” (Click here to tweet this now)

We will choose five random entries as our winners, and they’ll receive the Mophie Juice Pack Air for their troubles. Why should you want one? Check out our Mophie Juice Pack Air review. Now to start comparing kindergarten programs…

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Forum Discussion

I'd have to say that unboxing is one my favorite parts of the site as well. http://unboxing.gearlive.com/unbox/article/q209-macbook-pro-2009-unboxing-gallery/

Hi I'm the new kid on the block :-) and I want to wish you a Happy 5th birthday. I have to admit that I like the unboxing of new toys :coolgrin: . With that said my favorite unboxing is: The unboxing of the 13inch MacBook Pro http://unboxing.gearlive.com/unbox/article/q209-unboxing-13-inch-apple-macbook-pro/

Congrats to the winners! :-)

WWDC 2009 keynote was my favorite story great job guys

WWDC 2009 keynote was my favorite story great job guys!

My favorite story was the Modern Fossils Sculptures story back in May. It just shows how we will by anything!!!!!! http://www.gearlive.com/news/article/q209-modern-fossils-sculptures/ Thanks and keep up the good work.

Hi, Andru. Unboxing is my favorite part of the site, so I pick the 2007 Apple iPhone unboxing story: http://unboxing.gearlive.com/unbox/article/unboxing-live-019-apple-iphone/ :-)

My favorites are anything un-boxing apple anything.

I'm a fan of all the zune unboxings/reviews. For example: http://unboxing.gearlive.com/unbox/article/q308-zune-120-unboxing-gallery/

I LOVE the unboxings!!! Anything done by Michael Manna ROCKS! His enthusiasm for all things tech, his knowledge and sense of humor make for a fabulous vid! I LOVED the 13" MBP unboxing! Not only is it a thing of beauty ... Michael did a great job as always!!!!! :coolsmile:

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