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Thursday March 18, 2010 4:05 pm

16 USB Ports to Hold You

Posted by Finnian Durkan Categories: Accessories, USB

ThinkGeek USB 16 super hubYes, the title is a Veruca Salt reference; deal with it!  If you need 16 USB ports for your desktop then my making vague Gen-X references to underachieving bands that never quite made it is the least of your problems—concentrate, Pvt. Pyle!  Jeez, do I have to do everything for you?  Yes?  Okay then: ThinkGeek has the cure for what ails you.  Well, only if what ails you is your desk’s lack of a tangle of sprawling USB cables that would embarrass an Octopus—two of them, in fact!  The USB Super 16 Port Hub sports its own internal power supply and can turn the most modest of desks into a cutting-edge tangle of fiber-optic cables.  Another spec benefit is that up to two PC’s can hook up and share the Port Hub at the same time.  This means that you can play dueling banjos with your work PC and your MacBookPro without fear of choosing which nerd-demographic you’re going to piss off, Switzerland!  Also, at $159 it’s cheaper than buying 10 t-shirts that say ‘There’s no place like’ on them, will still up your geek cred and will not have the un-wanted side-effect of getting you punched in the face, unlike the former.

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