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Wednesday January 2, 2008 12:00 pm

The “A Christmas Story” Leg Lamp

Posted by Lolita Beckwith Categories: Smart Home

A Christmas Story Leg LampsChances are, you caught an airing of the holiday neo-classic “A Christmas Story” during the annual marathon on TBS—or like us, already know the movie by heart. Either way, you certainly recognize the iconic Leg Lamp pictured, a “major award” won by Ralphie’s clueless dad. If you’d like one of your own, here’s your chance! The ultra-tacky lamp comes in 2 sizes: 20 inches ($40 USD), and 40 inches ($200 USD), the latter being the same size as the original. A 3-way switch lights the leg, lamp or both. It’s never too early to plan for Christmas ‘08, people!

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