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Wednesday March 30, 2005 1:04 pm

Melodious Walkabout Auditory Navigation System

DescriptionIf you have ever been lost in a huge place, the Melodious Walkabout might be just the thing for you. Using the device, you simply listen to a few songs and are directed to your destination through audio cues without the need to have to ask for directions.

It provides a mobile user with awareness where the destination is located by contextualizing audio contents the user is listening to. The mobile user wears headphones and hears audio contents that reach him from a certain direction. The direction of the virtual sound source unobtrusively tells him in which direction to go.

So you just continue to walk in the general direction of where the music is coming from, and once it you are surrounded by it, you have arrived. The Melodious Walkabout consists of a Bluetooth GPS-receiver, a Geographical Information System that calculates the direction and distance to the destination, and an auditory display that renders personal audio contents in real-time according to the GIS.

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