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Friday October 8, 2004 12:40 pm
Nintendo Reveals DS Launch Lineup
Continung today's Nintendo DS coverage, Nintendo has finally released the lineup of launch games available for the Nintendo DS due out in the states on November 21 (and Japan 10 days later). Some big name third party games will be out along with several Nintendo developed titles as well. This news along with the most recent story mentioned earlier on Gear Live regarding downloading content wirelessly and another report about Nintendo commenting on the PSP battery life shows signs of a good week for Nintendo, the DS, and most importantly, Nintendo fans. Stay tuned for more Nintendo DS and Sony PSP news as it comes in. For now, continue reading the story below to find out the complete lineup of launch games for the Nintendo DS.
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The following games are titles which Nintendo expects to launch with the Nintendo DS on November 21, or between then and the end of the year in time for the holiday season:
Asphalt Urban GT (Ubisoft)
Feel the Magic XY/XX (Sega)
Madden NFL 2005 (Electronic Arts)
Mr. Driller: Drill Spirits (Namco)
Ping Pals (THQ)
Rayman DS (Ubisoft)
Ridge Racer DS (Namco)
Spider-Man 2 (Activision)
Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 (Electronic Arts)
The Urbz: Sims in the City (Electronic Arts)
In addition, Nintendo plans on the following games being available for the Nintendo DS in the next year. Note, these are the confirmed titles. There are many, many more in development for release next year as well:
Advance Wars DS (Nintendo)
Animal Crossing (Nintendo)
Bomberman (Hudson)
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (Square Enix)
Frogger (Konami)
GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (Electronic Arts)
Metroid Prime: Hunters (Nintendo)
Need for Speed Underground (Electronic Arts)
New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
Viewtiful Joe (Capcom)
Wario Ware Inc. DS (Nintendo)
Yoshi's Touch & Go (Nintendo)
As far as pricing, Nintendo has stated that its first party Nintendo DS titles will retail for about $29.99. Third party pricing will be at the choice of the publishers.