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Wednesday March 7, 2007 2:21 pm

These Microbes Won’t Cause Illness

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smart Home, Misc. Tech, Science, Toys

E coliGenerally we choose mechanical objects over the furrier, stuffed kind, but we just couldn’t resist these microbes that have been recreated 1,000,000 times their real size and transformed into plush. Choose from 25 bugs which include mad cow, malaria, ebola, flu, rabies, mange, and our own personal fave, e. coli. The 5 to 7-inch microbes would be a great addition to any desktop and a great reminder why you don’t want to have lunch at Taco Bell today. They’re available at ThinkGeek for $5.99 each and come with informational cards about their true life counterparts’ natural environments.

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