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Monday April 4, 2011 3:20 pm
7th generation iPod nano to bring back camera?
The seventh-generation iPod nano might have some new bells and whistles. Apparently, the forthcoming iPod nano could feature a camera.
The report came from a post originally published to Chinese site that said Apple would retain the same compact size of the sixth-generation nano, but would add a camera to the music player.
The fifth-generation iPod nano was larger; it included a video camera, widescreen display, and video playback. For the current sixth generation nano, Apple stripped the device of the aforementioned features, made it smaller, and added a belt clip and a multitouch display.
For the seventh generation device, Apple will maintain the smaller design, but will add a camera again. reportedly obtained the image two days ago. 9to5Mac notes that has been accurate in the past. Previously, it has leaked images of the Verizon iPhone 4 from Foxconn, photos of the miniature touchscreen currently found in the iPod nano, details about the recently released iPad 2, and other rumors that later proved to be true.
9to5Mac also speculated that the addition of a camera in the nano would mean that Apple would have to rethink the position of the belt clip. The images show that the camera would be located similarly to where the belt clip is fixed in the current device.
In other Apple rumor news, remarks from Sony CEO Howard Stringer have led many to believe that the iPhone 5 will have an 8-megapixel camera produced by Sony.
Although Apple usually sticks to an annual product update cycle, there has been speculation that the next iPhone won't be released until this fall, rather than the summer debut that has been expected.
Apple did not respond to a request for comment.
This article, written by Leslie Horn, originally appeared on and is republished on Gear Live with the permission of Ziff Davis, Inc.