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Tuesday March 28, 2006 6:30 pm

Holographic Storage Finally A Reality?

Posted by John Goulden Categories: Corporate News, Storage

InPhaseOver a year ago we reported about InPhase Technologies and their holographic storage technology.  At the time, 200GB per square inch was the capacity limit, but technology marches on and today that capacity has been increased over 2.5 times to 515GB per square inch!  Originally slated for release in 2006, it appears that InPhase is still on track, and they expect to have product available later this year.  The first generation drives won’t hold nearly as much as the prototypes, but will have a 300GB capacity with a 20MB per second transfer rate.  As product development continues the sizes will naturally increase, with projected sizes of 800GB to 1.6TB.  Sort of makes Blu-ray and HD-DVD look like the proverbial poor cousins doesn’t it?

Although no pricing estimates have been given, it’s sure to be painfully expensive and therefore confined to the corporate market on its initial release.

Read More | InPhase Technologies via DailyTech

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