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Friday March 11, 2005 8:43 am
Help Our E3 Cause and Win Some Cool Swag
Alright, here’s the deal. Gear Live is going to be at E3 in full force. A couple of us are going to be roaming the showroom floor like nobody’s business, capturing all the video and stills that would make any gamer scream like a schoolgirl. We will also be talking to a few influential people relevant to the gaming and consumer electronics world. However, while we will have all this data, we have no way of getting it to you in real time. Why is this? We do not have a laptop. This is where you come in:
Our favorite incentive network, OfferCentric, has a free notebook website that they run. If you help us in achieving our goal by signing up for the site as one of our referrals, you will be entered to win one of a bunch of prizes. I am talking about things like Pod Shields, DecalGirl iPod and Gamecube skins, a PDA Panache custom Nintendo DS stylus, and a Logitech Harmony 688 Universal Remote. One winner will also be the proud recipient of an E3 Bag-o-Stuff - that being a bunch of miscellaneous free items that companies give out at E3, and it is usually tons. As you can see, we have a bunch of stuff to give away to a bunch of people for bringing us to the point where we can get the laptop, and report live from the showroom floor. All that is required for entry is for you to sign up at Notebooks4Free and complete an offer. We will update in a few days with a status report. Any questions, contact us here.