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Wednesday April 13, 2005 10:57 am
George Bush’s iPod Content
Back in January we discovered that George Bush is trendy enough to carry around an iPod. Today, we are happy to bring you a bit more info on the President’s digital audio listening preferences. Apparently, Dubya appreciates the country flair - no surprise being that he hails from Texas, right? As Rolling Stone’s Joe Levy puts it, “What we’re talking about is a lot of great artists from the ‘60s and ‘70s and more modern artists who sound like great artists from the ‘60s and ‘70s. This is basically boomer rock ‘n’ roll and more recent music out of Nashville made for boomers. It’s safe, it’s reliable, it’s loving. What I mean to say is, it’s feel-good music.” The unfortunate thing about all this is that Bush apparently has about 250 songs on his iPod. Why even own an iPod if that is all you plan to store on it? Just get a shuffle.
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