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Saturday September 4, 2004 3:10 pm
Free iPods, Flat Screens, and PC’s Received
It seems that Gratis Networks' free offer sites have taken the internet by storm. The fact is that to this day, there are still many who doubt the whole Free iPod, Free Flat Screens, and Free Desktop PC sites. It is understandable. After all, nothing in this world is free, right? Wrong. In this case, many people are getting expensive electronics without spending a dime. We have compiled a bunch of pictures submitted by Gear Live message board members and readers, as they submit their evidence showing that these offers are for real. The fact is that Gear Live has helped over two hundred people earn free iPods, desktop pc's, and flat screen monitors and televisions.
Click below for the images. We will continue to add more as they are received.
- Andru Edwards
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