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Wednesday March 16, 2005 11:02 pm
Data Sharing for Xbox 2/360 - The Return of Cartridges?
Rumors continue to circle about what we can expect for the next generation Xbox. The latest culmination surrounds a new data technology never been used in video games before. It is a data sharing technology that would help the development of the ‘backwards compatible’ gaming with system. But that’s not the only thing they have in mind; the technology would also incorporate gaming like never before.
Several sources are pointing to using this data sharing technology to help games retain their replay value by taking, for example, sequels, and linking them together to create a new gaming experience. An example of this would allow Halo 2 players to use their favorite Halo 1 weapons because they own the original. On the other side of the coin, you would be able to ‘dual wield’ weapons in Halo 1 because you can in Halo 2.
The possibilities seem endless with what developers would be able to do as far as imagination and creativity. Let’s just hope that they use it to their advantage. Maybe a world where Sam Fisher visits one of Rayman’s levels just because they’re both Ubisoft? Well maybe not that far fetched but you get the point.
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