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Thursday January 18, 2007 2:37 pm

BugMeNot Saves Your Private Internet Space

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Internet

BugMeNotMore and more sites, including news feeds and YouTube, make it mandatory to sign up to enter their site. Next thing you know, you are on a spam list for Nicaraguan billionaires. With BugMeNot, you can bypass the registration by using a name and password from other site users. The service has to earn its keep, so it posts suggested sites for you to visit using fake details. They also would like you to share the wealth and get others you know to use its service and, as they put it, “take back the web.” Okay, BugMeNot, we have done our part. Keep up the good work and find us some really entertaining sites so that we can audition you.

Read More | BugMeNot

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