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Do you like shopping around for the best deal? If something has a cash back rebate or price reduction, wouldn't you be more inclined to purchase it from the store with the sale rather than another store that sells it for the regular price? So would I. Apparently, Best Buy thinks that by doing so that this makes us "devil shoppers" and thusly they would prefer it if we didn't shop at their establishment. On the other hand, shoppers who don't care about prices or discounts are more than welcome to shop at their stores. Best Buy will even go out of their way to welcome these "angel shoppers" to make the comfortable enough to spend even more money. The funny thing is, whenever I go into Best Buy I know about 100 times more about the products I am shopping for than the salesperson trying to sell me the item. Either way, look for Best Buy to start training their staff to cater to the "angel shoppers" of the world over the next couple of years.