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Monday April 25, 2005 2:50 pm

Apple Responds to Tiger BitTorrent Distribution

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Software

Tiger OS X BitTorrent As you can imagine, Apple isn’t too happy about the fact that their latest OS X update, Tiger, is making the rounds on the Internet via BitTorrent. In fact, Apple has had their lawyers send cease and desist letters to a few known torrent distribution sites linking to the 8A428 Tiger release.

“Apple also demands all information related to the identity of the persons who created such torrent files and/or who uploaded the software referenced by those torrent files, as well as the identities of all individuals who participated in the uploading and downloading of Apple’s software.”

Apple says they will not support these illegally obtained versions of the Tiger software - nor will they support those versions that were accidentally shipped out a week early from resellers. My question is, how will they know which version you are using since they don’t have any sort of activation protection?

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