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DescriptionThere are a lot of misconceptions about the Macintosh, but one misconception that has persisted is the myth that Macs are incapable of using multi-button mice. And those who know this myth is false still complain about Apple not shipping computers with two button mice. Gear Live cub reporter XIcarus wanted to share a bit of background on what many believe to be Apple’s stubborness to conform.

Apple supports multi-button mice. Right out of the box. Furthermore, this is not a ‘new feature’ of OS X. Support for contextual menus (the primary use for the two button mouse) have been around since OS 8.6, which is now more than seven years old. Let me repeat, Apple supports multi-button mice. Even if you use a one button mouse, you can still access contextual menu through ‘control-clicking’ (Hold down the control key when you click the mouse button).

Click to continue reading Why Apple Makes a One Buttoned Mouse


Xbox 2 In a Q and A session John Connors, Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer of Microsoft, said the following:

“In terms on the next Xbox, we haven’t announced a release. I think the next period when Robbie and the team will talk about that is at E3 in Los Angeles in May. They’re hard at work on it, but it doesn’t have a summer announce.”

We already know that J Allard will deliver the keynote address at this year’s conference. If we know Microsoft, a top level executive or Bill Gates himself will unveil any news about its next generation technology. Taking that into account, we can be almost 90% sure on some sort of announcement or demonstration at May’s game conference. This year’s E3 will be, without a doubt,  one of the best in its history. Sony and Nintendo have already confirmed that they will have demonstrations of their upcoming consoles on the show. The question that remains is will the Xbox successor see a Q4 2005 launch, as EA has led us to believe?

Read More | Team Xbox

Uncle SameI don’t like the sound of this, and I’m guessing you do not either. The Joint Committee on Taxation is debating on wheter it should extend the telecommunications tax to cover data as well. The Committee is trying to justify that with the growth of VOIP and WiFi phones, there will be no way to distinguish between ‘data’ packets and ‘voice’ packets. Personally, it’s all data to me and they just want to get you anyway they can. If you hate Microsoft then you may have a reason to start liking them, as Microsoft is among the top companies that are attempting to keep the IRS from taxing data.

Read More | ZDNet

Latest Gear Live Videos

Description, the Online Reality Game that pits you against your real-life friends, has launched Operation: BlueSleuth. This mission, designed for you and two other agents also equipped with Bluetooth devices, consists of carrying out covert operations in a suburban environment. Objectives include successfully transferring a passcode between two agents and transmitting the details of a false identity to a fellow agent. During this mission, a counter-spy will be deployed to attempt to sabotage the assignment. Operation: BlueSleuth is entirely web-based. There are no downloads needed and anyone with a browser and Bluetooth device can play.

Read More | Operation: BlueSleuth

Like to doodle?  Like computers?  Great!  Art.com offers an amazingly cool web-based app called that lets you create paintings on a digital canvas.  What makes it cool is that it records all of your color selections and your brush strokes, as you paint it.  Then you can save your finished piece and have others view it online in the sequence that it was painted.  It’s like watching your friend paint an image right before you.  The site also allows you to “speed up” the recorded painting motions or jump straight to the finished image.  Click here to see how the PSP image above was created.

Black Motorola RAZR V3

A few days ago we told you about how Motorola is of their uber popular RAZR V3 phone. Just a couple of days later, and here is an image of the new black RAZR V3. It was reported on CNBC earlier this morning that all Oscar nominees will receive one of these new phones. No word on when, or if, we can expect to see them at retail.

SCOTTeVEST Classic VestIt’s always good to see folks improve on an established formula.  Without progress, all of our wonderful gear wouldn’t be as sleek, powerful, and as tiny as they currently are.  In today’s case, took their original product, the Classic Vest—Version 1.0—and added in features seen in their more recent offerings, such as a softer exterior, more pockets, and increased breathability.  Today Gear Live delves into this great piece of attire that’ll keep all of your gear organized and accessible without breaking the bank in the process.  Click below for the full review.

Click to continue reading SCOTTeVEST Classic Vest Review

DescriptionSo you have a game system and a home wireless network and want to play your favorite console games online. Linksys has a new option for you, the (WGA54AG). This game adapter is compatible with 802.11a, b, and g devices and works with the Playstation 2, Xbox, and Gamecube. This card also allows users to connect to their Windows Media Center PC from their Xbox if they own a Media Center Extender-enabled Xbox. The game adapter is available now at a M.S.R.P. of $129. Some of you may know that other such adapters exist, however none of them are 802.11a compatible. This means that possible lower prices will be soon available for the old cards. Time to take the wire off your console.

Read More | Linksys

SpeakeasyIt was only a matter of time before one of the nation’s largest internet service providers began to offer Mozilla Firefox as an alternative to Internet Explorer. Speakeasy, which offers DSL and VOIP service, announced today that they will begin to recommend its users install Mozilla Firefox 1.0, the latest browser from Mozilla, and customize it with plugins and helpful bookmarks for their customers. While they won’t be installing the software for their customers, they do offer the links to download Firefox and the plugin from an easy location on their homepage. The last time an ISP offered an alternative browser with installation was back in the days of dial-up, when many companies offered Netscape Communicator, also a Mozilla browser. If this business practice continues, Firefox will continue to gain market share against IE, and hopefully help many users with virus and spyware problems, as well.

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CNet has reviewed the , and their results are less than stellar. Recieving a 7.0 on a 10 point scale, the iPod shuffle is billed by them as good for only those who know exactly what it is going to do. Users who may buy it just because of the Apple brand name will be disappointed to not have a screen, and the shuffle ‘mystery’ is simply a marketing gimmick to cover up the fact that there are no playlists. One user review even goes so far as to claim that “The only thing going for this player is the iPod name.” The iPod shuffle is light on features and only looks pretty. But I bet millions will still buy it.

Read More |CNet
