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Bing: We will be this sort of thread that runs through almost everything Microsoft is doing

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Corporate News, Internet, Microsoft, Video Games,
The future of search, according to Microsoft, is outside of the white search bar. "Now the way for human beings to express their interest or needs goes way beyond a browser search typing in keywords," said Microsoft's Bing chief, Qi Lu. "You can use voice to have a conversation, you can use gestures to express yourself."
Moving forward, Bing will fit into all of Microsoft's products, providing information access from physical objects to expand the context of its search.
"The battle between us and Google is going to be over who can build understanding more quickly to serve people in a much more anticipatory way," says Microsoft's Adam Sohn. "Google's going to understand every entity on the planet, we're gonna understand every entity on the planet, but the question will be what do you do with that information?"
Read More | The Verge
You can now automatically share your Netflix viewing activity on Facebook

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Corporate News, Home Entertainment, Internet, Movies,
Netflix is more social in the US now that you or, better said, Netflix can share your favorite movies and television shows with your friends on Facebook.
The Internet video on demand streaming giant has been given the green light to share your Netflix activity among your Facebook friends. The added functionality is off by default, but users can turn it on and pretty much allow others to spy on what they're watching and liking. Thankfully, Netflix added another feature that will hide specific videos that you deem unworthy of sharing. The caveat is that you don't forget to click the "don't share this" button on a specific video.
Click to continue reading You can now automatically share your Netflix viewing activity on Facebook
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FreedomPop Burst router offers 1 GB of free 4G data per month

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Broadband, Internet, Wireless / WiFi,
FreedomPop provides free 4G data to mobile customers, and has now launched the Burst home router. The FreedomPop Burst provides a free 1 GB of WiMAX data each month to buyers, after they pay an $89 deposit to get the router itself. Users can purchase additional buckets of data if need be, but FreedomPop also allows you to earn more free data by adding friends to their network through email and social media, as well as through signing up for partner promotions. It's an interesting approach. Check out the video after the break for more on FreedomPop.
Click to continue reading FreedomPop Burst router offers 1 GB of free 4G data per month
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We post a lot of great stories every day here at Gear Live, and we realize that it's hard to catch them all, every day. That's why we offer our Gear Live newsletter, bringing you the best of Gear Live directly in your inbox each evening, and you can subscribe here. Oh, and we also announce all of our giveaways in the newsletter before we do here on the site, allowing our subscribers a head start.
Each day, we collect the best Gear Live stories and send them to you so you can take a peek when your day is done and you finally have a little breathing room, with links to our other recent stories so you can read more, if you choose.
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Windows 7 users can now download Internet Explorer 10

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet, Microsoft, Software,
If you're a Windows 7 user, you'll be glad to hear that Internet Explorer 10 is now available for you. IE 10 launched alongside the release of Windows 8, so all other users have been left out in the cold until now. Why upgrade? Well, according to Microsoft, Windows 7 users can expect much-improved JavaScript performance, integrated spell-check with auto-correct, more stability, and better battery life on laptops and notebooks. Go ahead and give it a download.
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Google holds Glass Explorer Edition competition, offers early access

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Wearables, Google, Internet,
Google wants early adopters to usher in the future of Google Glass. You know, those high tech Internet-connected glasses? The company is offering the opportunity for anyone to join in. A new competition outlined today by Google will give a lucky few the opportunity to have Google's Project Glass Explorer Edition before everyone else. That's a "neener neener" you can't pay for. Er, actually, you still have to pay for it. It'll cost $1500 if you win the priviledge of early access.
Google posted on its Glass site that it is looking for "bold, creative individuals who want to join us and be a part of shaping the future of Glass." In order to apply you need to use Google+ or Twitter to tell Google what you would do if you had glass, using the hashtag #ifihadglass.
Here are the details straight from Google:
Click to continue reading Google holds Glass Explorer Edition competition, offers early access
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Yahoo rolls out redesigned homepage

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Corporate News, Design, Internet,
Yahoo is rolling out its redesigned homepage today, as promised by CEO Marissa Mayer in a blog post last Wednesday. In it, Mayer wrote that the newly designed landing page will be more "intuitive and personal." The redesign was tested in January, and now will start rolling out to everyone "over the next few days." The new page is more streamlined than ever, giving more prominence to Yahoo's most notable services: email, news, finance and sports. What's more, Yahoo now has a stream in the vein of Twitter. The stream has an infinite stream of news, as well as social features such as the ability to see content recommended by Facebook friends.
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Slacker Radio sees massive redesign, aims for Pandora, Spotify

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Design, Internet, Music, Software,
Slacker has been around for a few years as both a free and premium Internet radio service, and now the service has released a new redesign. The old black and gold interface is replaced with a newer, hipper, cleaner look on all platforms, including web, Xbox 360 app, and mobile apps. Slacker had to do something to take some attention away from Rdio, Spotify, Pandora, and the like, and we have to say that the new design makes things easier on the eyes, and thusly, easier to use.
Slacker pricing remains intact. You have the free version, Radio Plus for $3.99 per month, and then Slacker Premium for $9.99 per month. Updated Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 versions are on the way as well.
RIAA Google takedown requests near 10 million

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Corporate News, Google, Internet, Music,
Thanks to Google's Transparency Report, we can see just how many copyright takedown requests it gets, and who issues such requests. The RIAA tops the list with nearly 10 million takedown requests issued. The RIAA issues hundreds of thousands of notices every week in regards to piracy sites, and has topped the most recent monthly requests. This goes to show just how severe the piracy network is, or even perhaps, how futile the RIAA's attempts are at squashing it.
Read More | Google Transparency Report via Engadget
Transporter collaborative data sharing storage device now shipping

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Corporate News, Internet, Storage,
The Transporter is a private data sharing and storage device from the folks at Connected Data, a team comprised of many of the same folks who worked on the Drobo. It's able to communicate with every other Transporter device, anywhere in the world, elimination the need for a third-party cloud storage solution for any files stored. Even more impressive? The Transporter is a Kickstarter project that is actually shipping on time - just 20 days after the end of its massively successful campaign. Compare that to other Kickstarter hardware projects, and you'll see just how impressive this is. You can pick up a Transporter with no drive for $199, a model with a 1 TB drive for $299, or a 2 TB version for $399. Hit the break for a video explaining how it all works.
Click to continue reading Transporter collaborative data sharing storage device now shipping
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