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Hologram broadcast a reality in ten years?

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Broadband, Editorial, Internet, Science,

Imagine, if you will, sitting in the local coffee shop waiting for your ever so tardy girlfriend to show up before your lunch break ends. Suddenly, she is right in front of you, only not in the way you had hoped. It’s a hologram, beaming straight from your cellphone right before your eyes. Her digital representative a fully rendered three dimensional image of her informing you that she will be there in 5 minutes. No, this is not science fiction - it’s the future. And the future is eye popping.
With the demands of technology growing by the second, our everyday bandwidth needs are increasing exponentially. Cisco and Verizon are both anticipating a quadruple increase in bandwidth requirements by the year 2014! This tremendous surge in our bandwidth needs can be attributed largely in part to the burgeoning 3D television market, as well as the growing use of streaming HD video.
Click to continue reading Hologram broadcast a reality in ten years?
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Join us on the new Digg - we’ve got 1,000 invites!

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Features, Internet,
Hey, wanna get in on the new Digg before it’s rolled out to the general public? Well, we’ve got 1,000 invites. All you need to do is click that image above, and you’re in (well, if you click it before 1,000 other people do!) We’ve been testing the new Digg site for a couple of months now, and they’ve made tremendous strides from the days of old. You’ll be able to follow us and the stories that we are publishing, and the things you end up liking get pushed to your friends on the site. Definitely a cool way to discover new stories. Let us know in the comments how you like it!
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Bing Maps Presents The Taxi Fare Calculator

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Internet, Microsoft, Software,

Tired of hailing down cab drivers who pretend to take you the fastest route, only to bog down your travelling with weird routes that add to the total fare? Bing is, as they’ve now added the ‘Taxi Fare Calculator’. This enables you to keep track of the best routes your taxi driver should be going, as well as an estimate on the total fare. Bing Map’s Taxi Fare Calculator was developed during the ‘King of Bing Maps’ competition, and is being tweaked to include more cities. As of now only a few dozen cities around the world are included. However, when more routes are mapped out and a dedicated mobile version is available, you can expect everyone in the know to use the Taxi Fare Calculator to avoid getting the run around from cabbies in unfamiliar cities. Check out the calculator here
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Safari 5.0.1 released, brings Extensions Gallery with it

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Internet, Software,

Apple has released an update to Safari to finally enable the Extension Gallery that they’ve made mention of a few times since Safari 5 was released. Safari 5.0.1 lets you peruse through a bunch of extensions that add to your Safari experience, including stuff from big names like Bing, Amazon, Twitter, eBay, and more. There are bug fixes and secutiry updates as well in this release:
- More accurate Top Hit results in the Address Field
- More accurate timing for CSS animations
- Better stability when using the Safari Reader keyboard shortcut
- Better stability when scrolling through MobileMe Mail
- Fixes display of multipage articles from in Safari Reader
- Fixes an issue that prevented Google Wave and other websites using JavaScript encryption libraries from working correctly on 32-bit systems
- Fixes an issue that prevented Safari from launching on Leopard systems with network home directories
- Fixes an issue that could cause borders on YouTube thumbnails to disappear when hovering over the thumbnail image
- Fixes an issue that could cause Flash content to overlap with other content on,, and other sites when using Flash 10.1
- Fixes an issue that prevented boarding passes from from printing correctly
- Fixes an issue that could cause DNS prefetching requests to overburden certain routers
- Fixes an issue that could cause VoiceOver to misidentify elements of webpages
You can download Safari 5.0.1 now.
Fortune names their 50 smartest people in tech

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Internet, Microsoft, Misc. Tech,
Fortune has gone all tech on us this week, compiling a list of who they think are the fifty smartest people in tech. We found it interesting because most lists focus on the richest CEOs, or straight up performance on the job rather than things like intelligence, and the vision and impact they have on the tech world. The way they did it was to break the list down into ten categories (smartest CEO, smartest founder, etc.) and then list five names in each, listing a top choice for each category in the process. Here’s a peek at what they came up with:
- Smartest CEO: Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple
- Smartest Founder: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook
- Smartest Designer: Jonathan Ive, Senior VP of Industrial Design, Apple
- Smartest Academic: Danah Boyd, Social Media Researcher, Microsoft Research
Hi the read link below to head to Fortune for the full list.
Read More | Fortune
Mozilla has finally released the first Firefox 4 beta, and you can download it now. Firefox 4 is a major step up from the previous version, with a redesign of the user interface, greatly improved HTML5 support, hardware-accelerated HD video playback, better add-on support, and a bunch of other new features. Luckily, the Mozilla team has pulled everything together in a blog post to fill you in on all the fun. With Google Chrome gaining on Firefox marketshare, you can bet Mozilla is gonna be pushing the new hotness found in 4.0 hard. You can download Firefox 4 beta 1 now.
List of services Verizon FiOS customers will lose in Frontier transition

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Corporate News, Home Entertainment, Internet,

Frontier Communications has officially acquired all Verizon and Verizon Fios wireline assets in Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. They’ve also acquired several of Verizon’s exchanges in California, including those bordering Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. Customers in those regions have been told they would get the same level of service that they’ve been paying for, but as it turns out, it’s simply not true. We did some digging, and we’ve found that Frontier customers have completely lost access to the following services, with no Frontier equivalent being offered:
- Verizon TV Central
- Online TV Listings
- Remote DVR Access Online
- FiOS Mobile Remote
- FiOS TV Online
- HBO Go access
- Epix Online access
We are going to try and get word from Frontier as it pertains to the feature loss experienced by customers in the acquisition, since it seems like there’s a lot lost. Service level has decreased, but prices are certainly remaining the same.
Will you pay for a Hulu Plus subscription?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, HDTV, Home Entertainment, Internet,
Now that Hulu Plus has been announced and priced at $9.99 per month, we wanted to find out just how many readers plan on subscribing to the expanded Hulu service. Remember, that $10 gets you access to high definition shows, access to a much wider catalog of content, the ability to use Hulu on the iPhone and iPad, and future access on game consoles like Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
So, are you in?
Hulu Plus: HD, $9.99 per month, full details

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Handhelds, HDTV, Home Entertainment, Internet, Video Games,

Hulu has finally announced their Hulu Plus programming package, and we’ve got all the details here for you. First and foremost, a Hulu Plus subscription will run you $9.99 per month. For that price, you get expanded access and features to the Hulu service:
- Hulu Plus Season Ticket: Every episode of the full current season of a bunch of shows are available to you, whenever you want (rather than just the last few episodes)
- Watch past seasons of shows in their entirety
- Watch Hulu on your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, or iPad
- Watch Hulu on television-connected devices. Launches on Samsung devices, but coming soon to Xbox 360, PS3, Sony devices TV and Blu-ray devices
- Hulu Plus gives you access to watch shows in 720p high definition
The Hulu Plus service will be publicly available next month, but they are accepting email addresses from people who’d like to be part of the Hulu Plus Preview, starting today. Get ready to ditch cable, y’all.
Read More | Hulu Plus
Is Google getting set to take on Facebook? If Digg founder Kevin Rose is to be believed, he has heard from a “credible source” that Google has a service called Google Me in the works that will aim to go head-to-head with Facebook in the social network space. If anyone can take on Facebook, it would likely be Google. After all, they’ve got the services (Google Talk, Gmail, Docs, Buzz, etc.) and the search power to pull all your information into one account pretty much immediately. Consider us intrigued.
Read More | Kevin Rose