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If you want to stay on top of all of our video reviews of the latest tech, be sure to check out and subscribe to the Gear Live YouTube channel, hosted by Andru Edwards! It’s free!
YouTube has become an overnight Internet phenomenon, with a little help from SNL’s Lazy Sunday video, of course. Still, millions flock to YouTube to upload and view video clips, and are even offered code to allow them to embed said video into their own site. That’s cool and all, but some would much rather just download the content directly to their computer. Sites generally use a flash embed to make it a bit more difficult for users to download the file for their own use, but it is certainly doable with the right tools. Using the website KeepVid, you can tell it the URL of the YouTube video that you want to download, and it will give you specific instructions on how to accomplish that task. Here’s to more webcam girls filling hard drives across the land.
Read More | KeepVid via MediaBlab
Microsoft has made it known that there will be two versions of Internet Explorer 7 available. Current Windows XP users will get IE7, while Windows Vista users will get the ultra-super Internet Explorer 7+. How cool is that? Well, apparently, not very. It seems that all the plus sign signifies is the addition of Protected Mode, Network Diagnostics, and Parental Control. These features are left out of the Windows XP version of the browser, which sparked the name change. Still, the fact that you can run IE7+ on Windows Vista Ultimate, alongside Office 2007 Ultimate has us feeling like a superhero.
Read More | IE Blog
Microsoft Introduces Windows Media Photo (.wmp) Format

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet, Microsoft,
It usually annoys us when a company like Microsoft tries to push their own format over an established standard, but Windows Media Photo has piqued our interest. Looking to challenge the JPEG as the dominant photo format, Windows Media Photo will be fully supported in Windows Vista and Windows XP down the line. What’s hot is that during WinHEC, which is where the format was introduced, a demo showed a WMP image with a 24:1 compression ratio that had more detail than the standard JPEG compressed similarly. Anything that can make web pages load faster while maintaining their quality is fine by us.
Read More | Windows Media Photo Spec via DigitalTechNews
Latest Gear Live Videos
The Bleeding Edge 014: Stream DivX To Xbox 360, Verizon Song Identity, Windows Desktop Search

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Features, Home Entertainment, Internet, Microsoft, Mods / Hacks, Portable Audio / Video, Product Reviews, Video Games, Videocasts,
In this show we show off Verizon Song Identity, get an inside look at Windows Desktop Search, and stream DivX to the Xbox 360:
PSP Firmware Upgrade
Net Neutrality Bill Voted Down
ZVUE 200a
Verizon Song Identity Service
Interview with Brandon Paddock, Windows Desktop Search
How To Stream DivX To Your Xbox 360
Here’s how to get the show:
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IMPORTANT: We are surveying the viewers of our show to see what it is that people like, and more importantly, what they don’t like. It is anonymous, and just takes a couple of minutes. If you have the time, we would appreciate it! As always, feel free to let us know what you think in the comments.
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The Gear Live Forums have just undergone a nice upgrade, adding quite a few requested features. Here are the improvements that were added over the weekend:
- “Next/Previous thread” links in thread view page.
- RSS Support. Individual threads can be subscribed to, or the entire forum globally.
- Show/hide capability to forum man page, enabling specific forum clusters you are interested to be shown.
- “View today’s active topics” link to main forum page.
- “New topic” button in the thread view.
- Added database storage of “read topic” IDs so that you can use different browsers with different computers and retain your read topic info.
- Changed the behavior of the input filter such that tabs are converted to four spaces so that code examples posted in the forums will retain indenting.
Go ahead and check out the forums and let us know what you think.
Read More | Gear Live Forums
Microsoft Launches Windows Live Products

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Google, Internet, Microsoft,
It looks like Windows Live is continuing it’s quest to be your one-stop destination on the web for all your needs. Today, Windows Live Products launched over at Basically, if you have seen Google’s Froogle, you have seen Live Products. It is a price comparison engine that allows you to search for items you are looking to purchase, with the goal of finding you the best deal. After trying it out ourselves, it seems to be just as much of a mess as Froogle is. Oh, and the best part:
Windows Live Product Search crawls the web and automatically extracts products available for purchase online. As this is done algorithmically, the name, image, description or price of the products is not guaranteed to be accurate.
Here’s to hoping for a much improved shopping search experience.
Read More | Windows Live Products
New MacBook Right Around The Corner?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Internet, PC / Laptop, Rumors,

Someone over at Apple may have let the cat out of the bag as it pertains to what everyone believes will be the Intel replacement to the iBook line. Earlier this morning, if you went to the official iPod product page at, instead of being blasted with an iPod silhouette, you would instead see a mostly empty page with a breadcrumb featuring the MacBook. Notice - there is no “Pro” verbiage anywhere. Even better, MacRumors is saying that Apple retail stores are getting signage that is marked with “Do not open until Tuesday, May 9th.” Are the new MacBooks upon us?
Read More | MacRumors
Bleeding Edge Byte 002: Sparky The Dancing Borg

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Internet, Mods / Hacks, Science, Videocasts,
At Gear Live’s Seattle Mind Camp event, we spent 3 hours transforming Sparky into a Borg. When it was all said and done, he was so happy, he did the Dance of Joy. Or something like that. Check it out, and let us know what you think. We will be putting up a video look at what it took to transform Sparky into this dancing abomination.
Here’s how to get the show:
Subscribe: iTunes iPod / H.264 | iTunes MPEG-4 | RSS iPod Feed | RSS MPEG-4 Feed
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IMPORTANT: We are surveying the viewers of our show to see what it is that people like, and more importantly, what they don’t like. It is anonymous, and just takes a couple of minutes. If you have the time, we would appreciate it! As always, feel free to let us know what you think in the comments.
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The Bleeding Edge 012: DIY Bottlecap Tripod, Google Calendar, Zip Drive Destruction

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Features, HDTV, Internet, Mods / Hacks, Science, Videocasts,
In this episode we destroy a Zip Drive, teach you how to make a cheap tripod, and much more:
Google Calendar
Domain Roundtable Conference
HD DVD Launches
DIY Bottlecap Tripod
Destruction of a Zip Drive
Here’s how to get the show:
Subscribe: iTunes iPod / H.264 | iTunes MPEG-4 | RSS iPod Feed | RSS MPEG-4 Feed
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|Download| - PSP
IMPORTANT: We are surveying the viewers of our show to see what it is that people like, and more importantly, what they don’t like. It is anonymous, and just takes a couple of minutes. If you have the time, we would appreciate it! As always, feel free to let us know what you think in the comments.
[Download] - iPod-formatted H.264
[Download] - 1080p MP4

Rumor has been circulating that a Dashboard upgrade was imminent, ready to be deployed to Xbox 360s tomorrow, May 2. Fortunately, Major Nelson has cleared that up, letting everyone know the deal. Basically, while Xbox Live,, and the Xbox forums will be offline for maintenance for a period of 16 hours on Tuesday, May 2 starting at 2:00 AM PST, there is no Dashboard upgrade for now. This one is strictly maintenance.
Read More | Major Nelson