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ChannelMe logoIf you have always wanted to run your own TV station, ex-MySpace Chairman and current CEO of Demand Media Richard Rosenblatt today announced the arrival of ChannelMe TV, which allows you to register your own TV domain. This service, as a result of a deal with VeriSign, allows you to have your own little YouTube in the form of .tv. With it you can feature legal, licensed content on your website, upload videos, build your own social network, and customize its looks. They even promise a future application of easy-to-use tools that will help you in your quest to be your own network.

Read More | ChannelMe TV


Metcafe logoHave you become addicted to YouTube? Do you strive for hits with your own entries into the world of video? Now you can actually earn some cash on Metacafe for your efforts with its Producer Rewards Program. For each rating of 3.0 and a thousand views, you receive $5.00. Get 200,000 of them, make a cool $1,000, and still retain the rights.  Metacafe claims that one of their top producers has earned over $25,000. They are joining the ranks of Revver, who offers a service that pairs your video with a targeted ad, then splits the revenue with you.

Read More | Metacafe

Blackjack RIM (Research In Motion), the company that created the Blackberry, has decided to file suit of title infringement against Samsung, according to Telecoms Korea. Filed in a Los Angeles Federal Court, RIM insists that use of the word Blackjack is just too close to that of their own smartphone. Both devices feature Qwerty keyboards and are message capable. We think this is pushing things a bit too far under the category of lawsuits. Next thing you know, Hershey will be suing LG for its use of the word Chocolate.

Read More | Mobileburn

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How much faith should you put in a marketing firm whose website uses the phrase “Five Fingers. One Fist?” Answer: None to very none.

Sony is learning yet another lesson the hard way (a favorite pastime for them in itself, it would seem) after a stunningly awful viral marketing campaign backfired and was revealed on a Something Awful forum thread for what it was: a stunningly awful viral marketing campaign.

Right now, you’re probably thinking “hey, viral can be cool.” And you’re right. Viral can be cool. But the very nature of viral marketing often relies on a certain level of deception in order to “infect” the masses. There’s also a certain je nais se quois to the campaign that keeps it on the level, even after its roots are revealed. Sony’s marketing company launched the blog “alliwantforxmasisapsp.” The “backstory,” such as it is exists, is a simple one:

i (charlie) have a psp. my friend jeremy does not. but he wants one this year for xmas.

so we started clowning with sum not-so-subtle hints to j’s parents that a psp would be teh perfect gift. we created this site to spread the luv to those like j who want a psp!

Awesome! They can’t spell, just like Sony’s target audience! Take a look at those not-so-subtle hints j and c have whipped up for us, starting with this “rap” “video”, after the jump:

Click to continue reading Sony Keeps Digging With The Worst Viral Marketing Campaign Ever

MusicoveryMusicovery is a free, yes free, French flash-based site that streams a musical playlist depending upon your personal criteria. You simply click its sidebar to choose moods of dark, energetic, positive, or calm, select one of 18 genres, then let the music and flower-like graphics flow. You can also choose individual artists tracks or eras. What’s the catch? The energetic graphics look like they may give you a headache after awhile and the sound quality is not the best we have ever heard, but for €2 a month (~$4.00) you can receive CD quality audio.

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This is an entry from our 2006 Holiday Gift Guide. Check it out for suggestions on what to buy your loved, liked, and hated ones this holiday season!


The newest Squeezebox has a bright LED screen along with a nice, metallic console, and is the perfect gift for any audiophile. Hook this thing up to a stereo system using it’s digital outputs, and you are in for a treat. The Squeezebox supports just about any format out there (but not iTunes DRM), and can even stream from services like Rhapsody. There are third-party plug-ins that let you change fonts, and even use the display as a caller ID. Our favorite part, though, is the fact that it can stream Internet radio without needed a PC to be powered on.

Price: $299 (Compare Prices)

MySpace logoMy Space has continuously gotten criticism for being a gathering place for teen sexual predators. Today they announced that they are partnering with Sentinel Tech Holding in order to build a database containing names, physical descriptions, and other identifiable characteristics of sex offenders in the United States.

This database will be known as Sentinel Safe which Hemanshu Nigam, MySpace’s chief security officer, said “will allow us to aggregate all publicly available sex offender databases into a real-time searchable form, making it easy to cross-reference and remove known registered sex offenders from the MySpace community.”

While we applaud MySpace for finally taking charge of the situation, we also believe that step one is communicating with your teens on the basic rules of posting on the Internet.

Read More | USA Today

BeershooterGameJump is offering free games for your mobile phone if you click an agreement to see an ad at the beginning and end of your game. You can choose from over 10 genres and a couple hundred games, with more being added every day. Compatible with most Java enabled phones on Cingular, Sprint, and T-Mobile, go to GameJump Mobile or download from GameJump and transfer to your phone via Bluetooth or a USB cable. With titles like Office Zombies, Beershooter, Tonicman, Sudoko, and Sexy Majong, we think it is worth 2 seconds of our time to spare for their ad time.

Read More | GameJump

Ebates logoIf you want to save some money shopping online this year, we suggest that you try Ebates. There is no trick involved. You simply sign up for free, shop through them, and save. Where most shopping sites keep sales commissions that they earn, Ebates offers it as a cash back rebate sent to you every three months. Products available range from computer products, to music, to toys, and you can shop by type, category, or store. They also feature sites that offer free shipping, coupons, exclusive offers, or free gifts. Ebates is offering a $5.00 bonus if you sign up now. We think this is certainly a viable alternative to getting up at 5:00 a.m. to hit the big savings at retail stores.

Read More | Ebates

StreamickThinking about purchasing a new flat panel for the holidays? Think about a larger monitor instead with Streamick, a user-built website that provides free direct feeds and links to your computer from any web TV source. Browse through their listing, store preset channels,  or make your favorite program the default. They have over 100 listings which include sports, movie trailers, business information, and topical news. There is even a moderator if you care to chat about the latest project you created after watching “The Woodworking Channel.”

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