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Steve Jobs Introduces iPhone on Mad TV

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Home Entertainment, Internet, Videos,
We know that millions of you have checked out the recent SNL video on YouTube that featured Justin Timberlake and Adam Sandberg and their hilarious “Dick in a Box”, but we were busy last weekend chuckling at this parody of Mad TV cast member Michael McDonald’s interpretation of “Steve Jobs Introducing the iPhone”. Not as naughty, it is quite amusing nonetheless. We just had to share.
Read More | Mad TV
Finjan Reconfirms Google Security Leak

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Google, Internet,

Internet security service Finjan today reconfirmed reports that Google exposed private user names and passwords on its anti-phishing blacklist. On January 3, 2007, they discovered this list of URLs which could have potentially become a target for identity theft. Although Google has removed the offending information, Finjan suggests the following steps to insure that you don’t become a future victim.
- Avoid sharing your browsing habits with third parties by disabling URL sharing or forwarding.
- Use adequate password policy for your web accounts. Do not use the same password for all web accounts.
- Make sure that your PC is adequately protected from malicious software such as spyware and adware that can send out private information.
What creeps us out almost as much as the exposed list is that you can still check it out to see if it looks familiar.
Read More | Finjan Security
CES 2007 Video: A Look At Ontela

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, CES, CES 2007, Features, Internet, Software, Videocasts, Videos,
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Lounge72 Offers Classy Calendars

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Design, Home Entertainment, Internet,

Lounge72 is offering a free downloadable PDF calendar that you can use for wallpaper or take to your nearest Kinko’s and print up for your wall. Founded in Stuttgart, Germany in 2002, this not-for-profit design site, portal community, and e-zine wanted to expose those of us who acquire free beefcake calendars from auto parts stores to be exposed to up and coming artists globally. They are also hoping to find supporters to enable them to make a print version of the calendar. We have already acquired January’s page to brighten up our drab workspace.
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CES 2007 Video: An Interview With Social TV

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: CES, CES 2007, Features, Home Entertainment, Internet, Videocasts, Videos,
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More and more sites, including news feeds and YouTube, make it mandatory to sign up to enter their site. Next thing you know, you are on a spam list for Nicaraguan billionaires. With BugMeNot, you can bypass the registration by using a name and password from other site users. The service has to earn its keep, so it posts suggested sites for you to visit using fake details. They also would like you to share the wealth and get others you know to use its service and, as they put it, “take back the web.” Okay, BugMeNot, we have done our part. Keep up the good work and find us some really entertaining sites so that we can audition you.
Read More | BugMeNot
London based Spinvox is about to take the giant leap to the States. The service converts voicemail to text and sends them via e-mail and/or SMS to read on your cell phone. The Quick-Link takes you to a specific message so that you don’t have to hassle with your voicemail menu and will display the caller’s number. If you are out and about and have an urge to share, Spinvox also features Speak-a-Blog. The company will assign you a personal number, convert it, and post it on your blog.
Although they are still in the negotiation phase with U.S. carriers, you can test its service by calling the site’s phone number, leaving a message, and it will post it on their blog in a couple of moments. Spinvox charges by number of calls, ranging from £3.00 (~$4.00) for 10 conversions to £27.99 (~$36.00) for 200 and is currently offering a 1 week (50 message) free trial.
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Skype Creators Unveil Joost TV

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Home Entertainment, Internet, PC / Laptop,
Not content to be merely the instigators of Skype, inventors Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis’ (who sold it to eBay for $2.6 billion in 2005) latest venture is Joost, a free service for TV viewing on the Internet. Like Skype, it involves downloading free software and browsing for channels and clips. The service will be ad-supported, but less frequently and briefer than on regular TV.
Already faced with such competition such as YouTube and BitTorrent, as well as DVR Tivo and re-router Slingbox, Friis claims it is the logical successor to both Skype and Kazaa (which he also co-created.) Currently in a limited beta test, plans are being made to incorporate its Luxembourg-based TVP Holdings in New York, London, and the Netherlands under the Joost name.
Read More | Joost via USA Today
Bleeding Edge 085: CES 2007 Video: Opera On The Wii Internet Channel Browser

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: CES, CES 2007, Features, Internet, Software, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
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HD Radio Makes Local Debut

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Home Entertainment, Internet, Music, Transportation,
Walking into last week’s NAIAS, we received a rather tacky-looking plastic card emblazoned with the words “Discover It!” “It” turned out to be HD Radio, the future of music. The FCC has approved this as the new standard but most experts predict that the service will not become commonplace until about 2010. BMW is one of the few companies that is offering it as an option now.
With HD Radio, stations will have the ability to offer several different programming selections on the same frequency with no more snap, crackle, and pop of current radio reception. On the other hand, if you are on the edge of a station, you probably won’t hear it at all. Although HD Radio is already available in about 900 stations and free to the public online, receivers are not, and a quick survey of them were priced at ~$249.00 on the low end.
Read More | HD Radio