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Emtrace Technologies’ Photoskins PS100 has won the Best Overall in Personal Electronics. The portable photo frame can fit in your wallet with only a 4.7 mm thickness and a 2.5-inch hi-def TFT LCD display with 320 x 240 16m colors. Attachable by USB 1.1, the Net connection allows you to download and select between Widgets with only one button, with others giving you further control. With a black gloss front and silver back, Photoskins come with a leather case for portability and a cradle for times when you are busy online.


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Gear Live’s live coverage of the 2008 CES keynote! Refresh this page to keep track of the announcements!

6:39 The lights are up, and Bill has walked on stage!

6:40 Bill is talking about the last decade. Photos and music have made a huge transformation from analog to digital. “Information anywhere” seems to be a major theme.

6:42 Lots of partners have contributed to this digital decade - While this is Bill’s last CES keynote he thinks technology is just getting rolling

6:44 Video spoof of Bill Gates last day at Microsoft - Bill driving a Chevy Malibu to work and cleaning out his desk. Very funny stuff!

Check out the rest of the coverage after the jump

Click to continue reading Liveblogging the 2008 CES Bill Gates keynote

Mike Huckabee

Okay, so we didn’t all get to go to the CES, but somebody had to hold down the fort in case the Gear Live crew has too much fun. I mean, at least we get to see the power of the Internet in other ways. If you caught the debate on ABC last night, you surely noticed the candidates plying their wares outright on National TV.

Fred Thompson was the first to mention that he loves the contributions he is receiving online, and his site posts how much money he has accrued. Mike Huckabee also said that part of his success in Iowa was due to his website which has created quite a following. Both men were quick to give their specific addys. And, by the way, let’s not forget that one of the sponsors was Facebook, where you could follow online the sometime hostile action between Hillary, Barack, and John. The Internet is a glorious place and we should be thankful that so much information is available.

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Navigator RIP

We bear tidings of great sadness for many of us who are about to see our first browser laid to rest. After February 1, there will be no more support, security, or software updates for Netscape Navigator. During the mid-90’s, it was used by more than 90% of Netters, but that has dropped to .06%. After being bought by AOL, many of the original staff working on new versions were let go and moved on to Mozilla and Firefox. Of course, the explosion from IE didn’t help. Without being bitter or too sappy, we will just say a simple “Thank you, Netscape.”


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Wikia SearchAfter months of talking and testing, Wikia Search has announced that it will be open to the “general public” next week. Founder Jimmy Wales is sending it the way of Wikipedia, i.e. allowing volunteers to improve on its technology as it develops. The site will open with about 50 to 100 million Web pages indexed, as opposed to other search engines that run in the billions. Interestingly enough, Google is planning to launch its own version of Wikipedia, knol, where authors actually get credit and share in its advertising revenue.

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WolfquestAfter receiving a partial grant from the National Science Foundation, the Apple Valley, Minn. Zoo developed “WolfQuest,” a free interactive video game. Designed to teach kids about wildlife, users play wolves in Yellowstone National Park. They must hunt, defend their territory, survive, mate, and establish their own pack.

Grant Spickelmier, assistant education director, is hoping that kids will find the game both educational and enjoyable, and will make them more interested in wolf conservation and biology. The game, which has released its first episode, is aimed at those between the ages of 10 to 15, but we know some older kids around here that think it might be worth the download.

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Tangent Quattro WiFi Alarm Radio If you’re familiar with the wide world of internet radio, you know it’s filled with thousands of stations from all over the world, and can be accessed by devices such as this one from Acoustic Energy. Well now you can wake up to one of these stations, courtesy of the Tangent Quattro WiFi Alarm Radio. It’s a retro-looking device that links up to your wireless network—and accesses over 6000 internet radio stations around the globe. In other words, you don’t need a computer and there’s no fees involved! Arise to Bhangra beats one day, Brazilian samba the next (and yes, there’s a snooze alarm).  Plus, the Quattro can wirelessly stream music stored in your computer and you can even attach your MP3 player and use it as a speaker! Love it! Available in various colors for $250 USD, although for some reason “High Gloss White” is $50 more.

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ATCS Tuner CouponIt is now only 412 days until the end of analog TV. If you want to receive a coupon good for $40.00 towards the price of an ATCS tuner, you had best get to it. We checked into it yesterday (day one) and noticed that our order was around number 22,000. Since the boxes will not become available until late February or early March, the coupons will be issued then. Up to two per household are allowed and they expire 90 days from receipt. Remember that if you have cable or satellite, chances are the problem will be taken care of for you, but it never hurts to have a back-up plan.

Read More | DTV Converter Box Program

Freecycle logoWant to do more than just throw away your old stuff now that you have better gadgets amassed from the holidays? Started in 2003, the Freecycle Network is filled with freebies. It claims to save more than 300 million tons of trash every day by recycling. There are now more than 4 million members from 4,100 cities, so if you haven’t been there lately, visit it again.

The site also features volunteer moderators who make sure the swaps are legal and G-rated. Founder Deron Beal is proud that Freecycle helped a Hurricane Katrina victim refurnish his home and features such acts of kindness as the man who assembles bike parts then gives them away. Think of it as a kinder, more generous craig’s list.

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The Black KnightLet’s face it. We can’t all afford Wiis and Xboxes, but for those who still crave Link and his heroic escapades, there are Websites that offer free RPGs, such as the newly created Lojra-Ks and its “Black Knight.” You can also find action, puzzle, shooting, sports, retro, and other games there. This might be the place to check out if you have already played everything in Free Online Games, a site that houses everything from “The Legend of Zelda and the Lampshade” to “Arrival in Hell” and is always looking for creative types to add to its catalogue.

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