On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone


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If you want to stay on top of all of our video reviews of the latest tech, be sure to check out and subscribe to the Gear Live YouTube channel, hosted by Andru Edwards! It’s free!

In TreatmentThat’s right. You can get the first 15 episodes of HBO’s “In Treatment” starring Gabriel Byrne at no charge. We assume that the freebies are being used to attract a larger fan base. Whatever the reason, free is free. You need a TiVo Series 2 or 3 or Amazon’s Unbox Video Player. The Amazon download process is simple but will only work with Windows XP SP2/Vista. The show is also available through iTunes and HBO’s site.

Read More | Amazon


Market Lodge logo

Are you a budding entrepreneur who is also addicted to Facebook? Market Lodge, which opened last week, feels that people are more likely to purchase goods or services that have been referred to by friends. The startup company bSocial Networks will pay site members a 10% commission on sales that come from recommendations. Members who want to utilize the application can now customize stores and select over 1,200 different products by about 50 distributors.

Facebook itself tried a marketing system last year but many were not pleased by Beacon, which tracked and shared their personal info. They now allow Beacon to be turned off. It remains to be seen if the site will ask for a percentage of sales from Market Lodge.


Read More | Post-Bulletin

The Simpsons

Hulu, from the collaborative efforts of News Corp. and NBC Universal, opened today. So far it has only been in use by a test group, but now everyone can see more than 259 full length episodes of TV shows as well as about 100 movies for free from 50 networks, movie studios and Web-based media. The only catch is that there is a limited amount of ads to put up with, but hey, we can deal with that.

During a movie or show you often get your choice of commercials. We watched an episode of “The Simpsons” to see how much advertising there was, and in the half hour we saw only three 15 second spots. We will take that over network TV anytime. Did we mention that you can share, embed, or edit clips from the site? We love the Internet, truly.


Read More | Hulu

Latest Gear Live Videos

We’ve been avid users of Twitter for quite a while now. On the personal side, it allows us to keep in greater contact with our friends and associates. On the Gear Live end, it allows our readers to get up-to-the-minute updates whenever any of our sites posts new content. We think it is a fantastic web and mobile service, but it is really hard to give a concise answer as to why it rocks so much when trying to tell someone else that they need to give it a try.

Thankfully, my friend Lee LeFever (along with his wife Sachi) has put out yet another superb “In Plain English” video - this one focuses on Twitter. If you have yet to sign up, give the video a look. If you do sign up (or if you already have an account) and need a couple of new friends, I’m @andruedwards, and the site is @gearlive. Go ahead and add us.

Read More | The Common Craft Show


If you missed out on the first one, Sony is releasing its second gen mylo. You can use it to catch up on e-mail, take shots or view pics and/or 320 x 240 pixel videos, use it for Skype, and of course to let everyone know that you have one. With an 800 x 480 pixel resolution, it features a touchscreen, Internet surfing with Wifi, and has USB connectivity. Contact Sony to find out pricing and availability on their latest handheld.

Read More | Akihabara News

ibuddyPay attention, MSN IM addicts. The i-Buddy, who looks darn close to the icon, hooks up to your USB port and responds to incoming MSN messages with his glowing head and wings. The 3-inch figure does more. He will respond to emoticons within the messages and can even be programmed to alert you to one specific bud. How kewl is that? Pre-order for $24.94 from Firebox for a March 28 ship date.

(Thanks, Jen)

Read More | Firebox

Stubb's AustinJust a quick mobile update from SXSW here in Austin, TX. We just bumped into a few people from the Windows Live team in the street while walking back from lunch at Stubb’s (which, if you are in town, you have to try), and it turns out they are working on some sort of new, cool, innovative video search features. We are getting our of here to head back to Seattle, but we will be hooking up with them at their Redmond offices. We will get it into an episode of Bleeding Edge TV so you can see what all the fuss is about.

Facecloud logoIf you can’t seem to compete on Flickr, you might want to check out Facecloud’s beta. The site welcomes both amateur and pro photographers. You can upload family photos, artsy stuff, or your cat staring into your camera. To kick off the site, they are sponsoring a Spring Photo Contest. Prizes are in real cash: $100.00 for first place, $50.00 for second, and $30.00 for the third place winner. Upload your images through March 31 and they will be judged on the basis of merit and member comments.
(Thanks, David)

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Denver International AirportIf you plan on traveling to Denver International Airport, expect free, but censored WiFi service. Spokesperson Chuck Cannon explained that officials considered some sites to be “potentially racy.” These include the Vanity Fair site and boingboing. He says they would rather have a few upset parents than their kids’ access to Websites that may contain what they consider borderline porn. The service, which was instigated in November, seems to be utilizing the same tech that is used in Sudan and Kuwait to keep their countrymen/women in line. Those that giveth sometimes also taketh away.

Read More | Denver Post

Pitchfork TVPitchfork Media is launching an online music TV channel April 7. Think of it as “YouTunes.” The site will feature mini-documentaries, music sessions, concerts, interviews, and music videos. They will also offer films, concerts, and music DVDs at no charge. With full creative control, the original site already has events, reviews, and news tidbits, and is simply moving up the technological ladder with Pitchfork.tv.

Pitchfork promises a hi-res display and will be adding personal playlists so you can save your faves. Let’s hope that the company sticks to its standards and offers music other than a monotonous Billboard Top Ten.

Read More | Pitchfork Media
