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SleepwalkerWe know an email addict when we hear of one. Seton Hall University published a study about a woman who was given Ambien (zolpidem) for her insomnia. Her doctor increased the dosage when she claimed it wasn’t lasting all night. The next day a friend of hers called and accepted an invitation to dinner by email that the woman could not remember. She also sent two more the same night. Lead author Dr. Fouzia Siddiqui claims that this is the first case of its Sleep Emailing and added that he was amazed at all the complex actions the woman would have to go through to write and send the emails. We’re not.

Read More | ABC News



ThatsMyFace can turn your loved one’s head into an actual sculpture. You simply upload front and side images, and they will take the 2D pictures and turn them into 3D portraits. Imagine mom’s surprise when she opens the box and sees her own head inside. Prices start at $29.00 for a keychain size. Kidding aside, you can also order a gift certificate or upload your own images for free and see how you would look older, as the opposite sex, caricatured or other profiles.


Read More | ThatsMyFace

IE logoInternet Explorer users should take special note. Microsoft has released the MS08-078 patch to fix a security problem. The company claims that the vulnerability comes through JavaScript code on malicious sites, when victims are redirected to them through hacked ones. Malware is then downloaded onto the user’s computer. IE 5.01, 6, 7 and Beta 2 seem to be affected. This means that about 1 in 500 may be at risk. If you think you may be one of them and haven’t updated your browser lately, head over to Microsoft to find out more.

Read More | Information Week

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VUDU Screenshot

This is not the first time we have mentioned VUDU, but it would appear that they have upped their game. Not only can you get over 120 free on-demand TV channels, they have added access to YouTube, Flickr, Picasa and other sites with VUDU RIA (Rich Internet Application.) Next year, they plan on adding even more sites. While we are still in awe of HD, VUDU also offers over HDX movies with twice the resolution without additional cost.

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Poken ScreenshotPoken

Social networking freaks may already be aware of Poken. This interesting concept combines that with a unique cutesy animal device that will keep all your Facebook, MySpace and other sites’ information. Your Poken pokes another one in real time and you can exchange info so that you can find them next time you go virtual. In actual fact, the Poken is a USB connector with basic personal data. The site is fairly new, but they are planning on adding more features like message sending. That is a good thing, because it’s been our experience that we meet most chums online first rather than the opposite.


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Nielsen logoNielsen has come up with its Top Ten lists for 2008 trends. Included are lists for televisions shows, DVDs, music, books, mobile games, advertisers and consumer spending. We thought you might like to see the top 10 Internet sites (no surprise.) The calculation is an average monthly audience in millions through October. To see the others, hit the link below.

1. Google 120.5
2. Yahoo 114.9
3. MSN/Windows Live 98.4
4. Microsoft 95.5
5. AOL Media Network 90.2
6. YouTube 72.6
7. Fox Interactive Media 68.8
8. eBay 54.7
9. Wikipedia 54.5
10. Apple 49.3

Read More | Nielsen

MJ CatalogWe guess it is truly the end of a pop star era with a planned auction from Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. Julien’s Auctions will be offering over 2,000 items that include his white-jeweled glove, arcade games, Disney memorabilia, and garden accessories. If you would like to partake or simply keep track of the action, Julien’s will be broadcasting on national TV and stream video through their site on April 21 through 25. We expect things will not go cheaply. A Limited Edition Catalog, signed by the Pop King himself, is available for $500.00, $100.00 without the signature. No word on if any of this is related to Michael Jackson’s medical issues.

Read More | Julien's Auctions

Acer Aspire OneSuch a deal. AT&T and Radio Shack have announced special pricing on the Acer Aspire One, the mini 3G laptop with 8.9-inch display, Intel Atom processor, 1GB RAM and a 160 GB hard drive. Here comes the deal part. Purchase before December 24 and you get it for $99.99. The catch? A two year commitment and a LaptopConnect data plan which starts at $59.99 a month. That equals out to about $1440.00 over the time period. We checked out Radio Shack’s site, but they aren’t talking online so you will have to visit the store personally.

Read More | Mobileburn

Google SMS ChatThe folks over at Google Labs have been hard at work, trying to tighten the grip of your virtual leash, and today introduced a new way to feed the desire for instant gratification: SMS text messaging for chat. How often have you tried to chat with somebody, but they don’t respond because they “just walked away from their computer?” Well, Gmail chat will now send those messages along to your intended recipient’s cell phone so it’ll be that much harder to ignore you; and if you’re in the middle of a conversation you want to continue, but they need to leave their computer, you can now do that seamlessly.

Just go to the Labs area in Preferences to turn it on - you can type any US phone number into the search box in the chat window on the left, then select “Send SMS.” You can also select the contact you want to SMS first and then add their phone number. You can send messages to US numbers from anywhere in the world. If you’re on the receiving end, when you get a text message from Gmail on your phone, messages from each contact will come from a unique number with a 406 area code (406 spells G0O…), reply like you would to any other text message and the reply will be routed through Gmail’s servers straight to your friend’s Gmail chat window.

If your recipient REALLY doesn’t want to talk to you, it’s easy enough to reply to the message with the word BLOCK and you’re just out of luck, no more SMS delivery to that contact! If you’re someone who doesn’t have a text messaging plan or are limited in the number of messages you can receive for free, you can simply reply with the word STOP and you won’t receive texts from anybody using Gmail. Another awesome innovation that makes it that much harder to hide…

Read More | Gmail Blog

Google AlertWe found a nifty site that can save you some bucks in this time of adversity. Tiphero helps you keep your hard earned money in such areas as food, entertainment, finance, and office expenses. We are especially fond of the Google Alert. If you are thinking of buying something and want reviews or prices, enter the specific product information. If you buy certain groceries regularly, it will alert you if there are coupons. Sign up to keep abreast of their latest tips or submit your own.

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