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Lala.com Music ServiceI have been using Lala for about a week and the service turns out to be one of the best ways to get all of your music from wherever you are.  The concept is quite simple, allow access to songs you already purchased and also bring a music store to the cloud for 10 cents a song.  You can further purchase songs for download at around 90 cents per song.  The best part of the service is you can listen to a full album prior to purchasing it online.  That’s right, full quality MP3s for free, as long as you are listening to them on Lala.

The library is over 5 miillion songs and is updated every Tuesday when new content comes out.  Lala also allows you to import your entire purchased collection of music from or any other music folder you may have on your current Mac or PC with a downloadable importing utility.  There is no monthly fee and all you need to do is sign up and you’re in.  You can then invite people to join and network, sort of like Facebook or Myspace, but it keeps track of what you and your friends listen to and gives suggestions based off what they listen to.  The whole thing seems too good to be true, but it certainly doesn’t disappoint.  This is one site that could provide itself as the next big thing in music as long as the RIAA continues to think it okay.

Read More | Lala


ConstellationsThe 2008 Great World Wide Star Count begins today. Amateur and pro skywatchers can go outside, check out a constellation, compare it with one of UCAR’s (University Corporation for Atmospheric Reasearch) charts, then report what you see online. Last year the event drew over 6,600 observations on 7 continents, and the project is hoping to double that amount this year. Running until November 3, the count helps scientists map pollution while forcing all of us to be able to identify something besides Orion.

Read More | UCAR

Trace Me LuggageSomeone has finally had enough lost luggage rage to come up with a solution. Trace Me Luggage Tracker is a heavy-duty tag that you place on your bag. Each has a unique serial number as well as a 2D barcode, but no personal details. If your suitcase, laptop, or backpack gets lost, Immobilise will contact airport baggage authorities or law enforcement agencies to help you get it back. At a price of £19.95 ($35.00,) the double pack has to be a great investment, since there is no additional subscription charge and you can register free online.

Read More | Immobilise

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Bloglines Screenshot

If you are a subscriber of Bloglines, you may have noticed the frequency of red exclamation marks and error messages. This is what is known as a broken system. They are no longer updating some of the feeds. We understand that they have received numerous complaints and whining, but our solution is to switch to another RSS reader, a simple enough process. Click “Export” on the bottom left, save the opml file and import it to the reader of your choice. In an Internet that has so many choices, we are allowed to say, “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.”

Update: It would appear that all that whining helped. Many of the feeds are updating again, however we are going to keep our backup feed all the same.


Read More | TechCrunch

NosferatuJoost is getting into the scary mood with a slew of Halloween Movies. The online service, which is no longer only in beta, includes such titles as “Nosferatu,” “Teenage Bikini Vampire” and the “Class of Nuke em High.” When you finish with those, check out their classics, dramas, music videos, and TV shows, and share your faves with others on their forum. Sign up is free and you can see what others are watching as a way of getting you in the mood.

Read More | Joost

Pizza Hut Screenshot

Clever Pizza Hut. They know when you are writing on walls or hunting fellow zombies in Facebook, you just don’t have the time to cook or get to Taco Bell. Although they already have online ordering, they have designed an application so that you can order pizza, chicken wings and pasta without leaving the site. The Pizza Hut Interface already has over 300,000 fans, in the U.S. and the company claims they have already sold over a million pizzas online.

Read More | Pizza Hut Facebook

Tina YoungIf it looks too good to be true…

Tina Young of Macomb Township, MI, had a thriving business on eBay. Using the name “dashdeals3,” she was selling $550.00 Dyson Vacuum Cleaners for $300.00. She was also selling other electronics at lower than the MSRP. The only problem was that Tina wasn’t a certified dealer and was stealing them from her local retailers. Police finally captured her and her husband who was working with her by studying security videos, but not before she had managed to sell 63 of the vacuums. Let this be a lesson the next time you think that eBay is offering the deal of the century.

Read More | WXYZ

Burnout Paradise ScreenshotWe already have seen evidence of advertising in video games. Still reaching out to techie voters, the Obama campaign now has a billboard in the Xbox 360 game Burnout Paradise. Any advertiser can buy space, including those with presidential ambition. On the other side of the fence, the McPalin group has sent a letter to YouTube complaining that the site doesn’t consider fair use in videos before taking some of them down. You can read the entire document at Techdirt.

Read More | The Raw Feed

7 Mile BootsPeople may already think you are a bit daft when you talk to yourself,. Now you have a viable excuse. Eloff-Berger-Pichlmair’s claim is, “Seven mile boots, the magical footwear known from folk tales, enables its owner to travel seven miles with one step. With little effort one can cross the countries, to be present wherever it seems suitable and to become a cosmopolitan flaneur with the world as the street.”

In ordinary terms, the interactive prototype shoes allow users to search online chatrooms automatically while moving and talking when standing still because spoken text comes out of them. Channels are selected according to the wearers preferred activity or topic.

Read More | Eloff-Berger-Pichlmair

Senior SurfersNext time your spouse/partner complains that you are on the Internet too much, you can site this study that will be in an upcoming American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. The report suggests that middle-aged and older adults who use the Net may get a brain boosting. Using 24 “normal” volunteers between the ages of 55 and 76, half of the group had previous experience surfing. The participants showed similar brain activity when reading a book and those who went online also registered activity in the frontal, temporal and cingulate areas, which are those that control decision making and complex reasoning.

Read More | Live Science
