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Analysts say “Erotic” Podcast Market is Underserved?

Posted by Kristin Wenzel Categories: Internet, Podcasts,
Erotic Podcast Market? Apparently so. The analysts have spoken — podcasting is hot, and the market is jumping for more podcasts. Especially, they seem to imply, “erotic” podcasts. Frank Barnako of Marketwatch writes:
While 40% of the Internet-delivered audio shows focus on music, science, technology and comedy, the most popular category for users is erotica, according to Alex Nesbitt, president of Bella Ventures Inc. ‘The supply is not yet meeting market demands,’ he wrote in a just-released analysis titled, ‘The Podcast Value Chain Report.’”
In other words, we’re not sure what category is the most under-served. He also predicts that in the “near future” the market for podcasting tools and accessories will top $400 million. What with the hot trend towards podcasting and the already-booming Internet pr0n business sector, of course “adult” podcasts are popular. However, I wouldn’t put my chips on Erotic Podcasting as a sure bet, despite this apparent “popularity.”
Think of all the hand-wringing there’ll be when there’s “too much Porn on the Pods!”
Read More | MacDailyNews
Rumors, gotta love ‘em. Here’s another one for you. Seems that there have been talks between Skype and Yahoo - perhaps to merge IM clients? Skype would definitely be a great acquisition for Yahoo, however their close friend, Bell, might not like this idea. We’ll have to keep an eye out for this one.
Read More | GigaOm
Effective Web Search with Google’s “My Search History” Tool

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Internet,
You were looking for certain information on the web. After several attempts using different words and phrases with your favorite search engine, you finally have found the required information but, as it happens, forgot to bookmark the pages. In a few days when you needed to check out the same pages again, to your utter dismay, you realized that you couldn’t recall how you searched out those pages. Sounds familiar? If you are like me, you probably face this problem quite frequently! Finding the right page link you are seeking from the browser’s history feature, out of hundreds of pages that you have visited recently, is not easy either! More over, browser’s history page remembers where you have been as you browse the web for a limited time only. Things may be a little easier if you use Google Desktop search or similar tools from other search engines, but again if you don’t always use the same computer, even this might not be of much help.
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Latest Gear Live Videos
Fearing that we are our own worst enemy, a Microsoft Veep confirmed that Internet Explorer 7 would install with a default reduced privilege mode to aide against attacks. Other features in IE’s next update include RSS support, International Domain Names support, and a more robust search tool that will allow you to choose from a myriad of search engines. IE 7 will also be the first Microsoft browser to feature tabbed browsing.
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So, we have been pondering either adding a link to each entry which would lead to the Technorati cosmos for that post, or adding a Technorati cosmos section within the permalinks themselves. Today we decided to go with the link on each entry, which we have to endearingly named the TechnoratiBack. Of course, some of our favorite sites have just added similar functionality to their blogs as well. For now, two things are certain - Technorati rocks, and trackbacks will remain while we test everything out.
Read More | Gear Live Technorati Cosmos
Now this I like. This site hosts a WWDC 2005 keynote video with DVD-style chapter breaks so that one can view only the portions of the conference they are interested in. This means no sliding the placeholder to gauge where you want to go while watching Steve Jobs talk about Intel like they are the greatest thing on earth. Check out the podcasting portion of the video - this is what I am most stoked about. Well, that, and OS X Leopard.
Read More | WWDC Keynote via TUAW
Gear Live Podcast: Interview With Aaron Levie, Founder

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Internet, Podcasts,
Online storage has increased, decreased, then increased again in popularity over the years. When Google dropped Gmail on us, hacks appeared that allowed one to use the free gig of storage for more than just email. Aaron Levie noticed a need for a good online storage medium, and the result is Gear Live tested the service out a while ago, and came away impressed. is much more than just storage space for your files. We got a chance to chat with Aaron about how came about, its current features, and where it is headed in the future. Click here to download the MP3, or you can just subscribe to the Gear Live Podcast feed.
Voices: Aaron Levie, Edwin Soto
Length: 20:04, 18.8 MB
Listen | Interview
Microsoft had to scramble to clean their South Korean portal recently and admitted the site had been hacked and booby-trapped to capture unknowing users passwords. The site has been declared safe and clean once again, but they are unsure how many users may have been affected. As always, Microsoft is at the forefront of the security scene!
Read More | Wired News
Widescreen LCD panels for desktops are becoming ever so popular; however, finding the right size wallpaper can turn out to be quite the difficult task. Luckily there is at least one good place to find some. MRitche has a good sized collection of wallpapers in 1920x1200 for your widescreen viewing pleasure. Check them out and grab a few for your collection.
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While not real, it is certainly an interesting use of technology. The concept behind Forget-Me-Not panties is that they have a built-in GPS, and can detect body temperature and heart rate. All of the data could be viewed and managed remotely, thus allowing you to see if your wife/daughter/mother is getting their freak on when they aren’t supposed to. Check out this “testimonial”:
When my daughter hit puberty I nearly had a heart attack. She started looking like a woman and suddenly she was wearing revealing clothing and staying out late with her friends. Rather than become an over-protective parent , I decided to try forget-me-not panties.
They work wonderfully. My wife and I bought our Sarah several pairs so we can watch her around the clock, and if we see her temperature rising too high, we intervene by calling her cellphone or just picking her up wherever she is.
This is one of the many sites taking part in the Contagious Media project.
Read More | Forget-Me-Not Panties