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Xbox 360 Segmentation

I have always admired the prowess that my friend Jake Ludington has when it comes to digital media. This guy knows his stuff. After fiddling around with my network to get my Xbox 360 running off of it’s own segment along with the Media Center PC, and separating all other network traffic onto it’s own segment, I found that things were much improved as it pertained to streaming high-definition content from my Media Center PC to the Xbox 360. Jake put together a nice tutorial on how to do this, and he isn’t even using 802.11a:

802.11a is the standard Microsoft is recommending, but it’s not necessary. My own home network is segmented with an Xbox 360 on one 802.11g access point and all other wireless devices are on a second 802.11g access point. My wired Media Center successfully streams the 1080p HD content available from Microsoft’s WMV HD Showcase without any hiccups.

Hardcore. Head on over to Jake’s tutorial for the full article.

Read More | MediaBlab


RiyaConspiracy theories are born of concepts like this.  Riya Photo Search is a photo-sharing website similar in nature to Flickr, SmugMug and Picturetrail, but with a twist.  That twist is Riya’s software that performs facial recognition of the subjects in your photos.  It works like this: you upload your images to Riya, go through those images and select the faces of people in them and associate names with those faces.  Riya will then allow you to search your photo collection (as well as other’s publicly shared photos) for images that match who you’re looking for.  Looking for that picture of Aunt Sally?  As long as you have tagged a prior photo of her, Riya will pick out every photo that she is in.  The software is also capable of text recognition so searching for street and business names becomes a reality.  Riya’s beta phase starts soon and they are taking applications for people who want to give the service a try.  Neat concept, but very creepy. We have hung with a few of the Riya peeps (like Tara Hunt) in the past - their team is damn cool.

Read More | Riya Photo Search

Google Censor

Oh, man, this should win an award for “Doh! of the Week.”

After making a controversial deal with the Chinese government in order to get into the Chinese market with the new Google.cn (but bowing to requests for censorship of their services and their search results), it must have felt like a technological cyber-slap in the face to find out that the censored version of the site blocked itself.  Oops?  The result has apparently been fixed but there’s not much forthcoming on what happened.

China Herald weighed in, saying “there is a real possibility that those who decided on what to block or unblock really have a good sense of humor.
More likely is the possibility that Google’s new addition to the internet just caused what the Chinese authorities try to prevent: an avalange of discussions.Suddenly the whole world, inside and outside China, could compare the two services and that sparked off a discussion that was not wanted by China’s internet nanny.”

That’s precisely, many agree, what the chinese government is trying to avoid with their censored search results and governmental media control.  Seems like this was either a huge error or a plan that seriously backfired - and made the disparity in the results given via Google and Google.cn sharply contrast against each other. Who knows… maybe Google put it in for just that reason?  The Chinese government isn’t really known for divulging information on things of that nature, so we may never know.

Read More | AsiaPundit

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Verizon DUNFor all if you looking to use your Verizon Wireless cell phone as an EV-DO modem, it looks like the company has heard your voice and given in. If you are the owner of an LG VX9800, LG VX8100, Motorola RAZR V3c, or Motorola E815, you can now tether your phone to your laptop via USB and surf away if you are willing to pay $59.99 per month for access to Verizon’s BroadbandAccess service. Notice - we specified USB as the connection method. Verizon is still saying no to tethering via Bluetooth. Not too big a deal, as USB is the faster connection method when compared against Bluetooth 1.2, anyway.

Read More | PC Magazine

AzureusImagine my horror when I went to boot up Azureus on my iMac Core Duo a little while ago, only to watch the icon quickly appear and then disappear, mocking me in the process. After a bit of snooping, turns out that Azureus flat out won’t work on a Core Duo Mac. Determined to find something, I did a bit of sleuthing, which eventually led me to find a patched version that works perfectly. In fact, it seems to work a bit faster than Azureus on the G5. I know, many a Mac user sides with Tomato Torrent when it comes to bittorrenting on OS X, but if you are an avid Azureus user with a Core Duo Mac, grab the patched version at the link below.

Read More | Patched Azureus for Intel Macs

DescriptionWe would hate for our readers to be unprepared for a virus attack that is scheduled to begin on February 3rd.  Be wary of strange emails, as Win32/Mywife.E@mm is on its way - malware that is sure to send everyone in your address book an nice infection as well.  Make sure you are running the latest version of your antivirus software.  Reports say the man behind the virus is too busy to stop the attack because of his many scheduled divorce hearings.  Oh, Mac users can disregard this message as usual.

Read More | Microsoft Security Advisory

IE7 Beta 2With Firefox running rampant over what used to be Microsoft’s hallowed ground - the Internet browser, the boys (and girls) at Redmond are trying to play catch-up.  Today they released the newest public beta of Internet Explorer 7.0, dubbed “beta 2” (imagine that).  Internet Explorer 7 promises to deliver increased security through protection against phishing and malware, tabbed browsing for easier navigation, RSS capability, improved CSS (cascading style sheets) support, and tools for deploying/managing IE7 in enterprise environments.  Microsoft had taken a hiatus with the release of IE6, and had stated that there would be no new releases of Internet Explorer until Vista shipped.  With Firefox rapidly eating away at their market share, Microsoft had little choice but to accelerate their browser development time frame.  So, if you’re a loyal IE user, or just curious, get your groove on by downloading the latest beta, but keep in mind that it’s only compatible with Windows XP running SP2.

Read More | Microsoft via IEBlog (MSDN)

Predictive SearchIt is no secret that search engines have earned their way into the very core of Internet usage. Everyone has used Google, Yahoo!, or MSN Search. Sure, between those three and the virtual unending hoard of others out there, search results might be different, logos might be different, as might a few other small features. However, I have been thinking more and more about something I have started referring to as “predictive search” over the last couple of weeks.

Knowing that there are obviously a lot of limitations to the approach, wouldn’t it be convenient if, say, in the sidebar of a search results page, MSN Search predicted the result of the search you might perform next?

Click to continue reading Search Engines: Where Is Predictive Search?

My Favorite Sites on Reveal

Reveal is a Firefox extension that allows you to view your current tabs as thumbnails directly on your screen - as shown with my favorite websites above. So I thought that this might prove pretty useless to me considering that I’m already using tabbed browsing.  Why would I need to have mini pictures of these and what purpose would they serve?  What’s really great about this extension is the ease of use.  Once installed, you just press F2 to bring up the interface.  Not only is it that simple, but its pretty too.  Your screenshot comes zooming in from the side of your screen and places itself in the middle of your screen with the current tab highlighted.

Click to continue reading Reveal Firefox Extension Reviewed


Did you get a new video iPod to listen to music and video content? Shame on you.  The real purpose of the device is to get on this site and start meeting singles.  Finally, no 5 year old pictures of someone before you meet them.  Now you’ll get to see if this person has personality in motion.  Not enough? Get the feeds right to your iTunes for the best selection process.

Welcome to PodDater. The FREE, fast and easy way to meet singles like you on the go. Signing up is free, there are NO SUBSCRIBTION FEES. Just look, create and connect to local singles.

Read More | PodDater via Chip Chick
