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AnyWear PedometerThe Anywear 3D PE980 Pedometer means precisely that, since you can carry it your pocket, backpack, or around your neck. Not only will it measure the distance walked (up to 99,999 steps) and the time that has elapsed, it counts your calories burned and stores up to 7 days of data. But the best part has to be that when it measures your progress, it will let you know just when you can expect to hit that finish line. It also has a clock with alarm, included batteries, a lanyard and clip, and a price of $49.99.

Read More | Oregon Scientific


ATT&TWe remember a time (about 15 years ago) when we were allotted only so many hours on the Net. If you were really addicted, that meant you either had to go online with a stopwatch, reconnect occasionally, or be charged for a business account. Nowadays you can go 24/7 and most providers will offer you a good deal for doing so. For example, knowing that about 1 in seven no longer have landlines, Verizon will be offering discounts to those who don’t but order Internet or TV service. Their Flex Double Play begins this week allowing customer discounts of $8.00 to $12.00 a month if you combine their wireless plan with FiOS TV or broadband.

On the swing side, AT&T is thinking of charging more for those who download too much data. Spokesperson Michael Coe claims that about 5% of their DSL customers use 46% of their bandwidth, while overall usage doubles every year and a half. Time Warner is already charging its customers in Beaumont, Texas, who go over their bandwidth limit $1.00 per gigabyte. If you are one of those who downloads movies and TV shows, especially in hi-def, don’t move to the Lonestar state.

What do you guys think? Should we be charged extra for services that companies are pushing on us to the max? Or should we all go out and purchase a Roku and spend the $8.99 a month before our Internet overcharges become excessive?

Firefox logoSet your calendar for June 17. After being in development for 34 months, Mozilla is finally unleashing Firefox 3 on the general public next Tuesday. The company says that the improved version has more than 15,000 updates, is safer, faster, easier to use, and even better for add-ons. In honor of the event, they have decided to try to set a world’s record for the most downloads in 24 hours. If you would like to participate, you can pledge your support on their site. So far there are over a million who have done so.

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Chickens Crossing

We are always so serious around here, that when we found this circulating on the Net we just had to share. Too funny! The image is courtesy of “lonecellotheory” on Flickr, while the author is apparently still unknown. Give that woman/man a job at Comedy Central!

Barack Obama: The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a CHANGE! The chicken wanted CHANGE!

John McCain: My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.

Hillary Clinton: When I was First Lady, I personally helped that little chicken to cross the road This experience makes me uniquely qualified to ensure—right from Day One!—that every chicken in this country gets the chance it deserves to cross the road. But then, this really isn’t about me…....

Dr. Phil: The problem we have here is that this chicken won’t realize that he must first deal with the problem on ‘THIS’ side of the road before it goes after the problem on the ‘OTHER SIDE’ of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he’s acting by not taking on his ‘CURRENT’ problems before adding ‘NEW’ problems.

Oprah: Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I’m going to give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.

George W. Bush: We don’t really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here.

Colin Powell: Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image of the chicken crossing the road…

Anderson Cooper - CNN: We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.

John Kerry: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken’s intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.

Nancy Grace: That chicken crossed the road because he’s GUILTY! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks.

Pat Buchanan: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.

Martha Stewart: No one called me to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had a standing order at the Farmer’s Market to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information.

Dr. Seuss: Did the chicken cross the road?
Did he cross it with a toad?
Yes, the chicken crossed the road,
But why it crossed I’ve not been told.

Ernest Hemingway: To die in the rain. Alone.

Jerry Fallwell: Because the chicken was gay! Can’t you people see the plain truth?’ That’s why they call it the ‘other side.’ Yes, my friends, that chicken is gay. And if you eat that chicken, you will become gay too. I say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination that the liberal media white washes with seemingly harmless phrases like ‘the other side. That chicken should not be crossing the road. It’s as plain and as simple as that.

Grandpa: In my day we didn’t ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.

Barbara Walters: Isn’t that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heart warming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its life long dream of crossing the road.

Aristotle: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

John Lennon: Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together, in peace.

Bill Gates: I have just released eChicken2008, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your check book. Internet Explorer is an integral part of the Chicken.. This new platform is much more stable and will never cra…#@&&^(C% ........reboot.

Albert Einstein: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?

Bill Clinton: I did not cross the road with THAT chicken! What is your definition of chicken?

Al Gore: I invented the chicken!

Colonel Sanders: Did I miss one? Where did that sucker go?

Dick Cheney: Where’s my gun?

Al Sharpton: Why are all the chickens a colorless white? We need some black chickens.

We suspect that you guys could add to the list, eh?

Read More | Neatorama

John McCainRepublican Presidential Candidate John McCain, seen here in a recent trip to a pig roast in Michigan, recently joked around that Googling made his VP search simpler.

“You know, basically it’s a Google,” he said at a fund-raising luncheon. “What you can find out now on the Internet—it’s remarkable.”

It seems like the senior senator has finally caught on to the Net. Fortunately for Barack Obama, back in October he had the smarts to hire Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes to head up his online campaign.

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WWDC keynote video

We know that all this talk of the has you chomping at the bit to see it in action yourself. I mean, we live blogged the keynote, and we threw up our iPhone 3G gallery, but sometimes images don’t do products justice, right? Well, you are in luck. Apple has just posted the video of the WWDC 2008 Keynote Address. Hit the link below to watch the entire thing, highlighting the iPhone 3G, App Store, MobileMe, and more.

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In just about five minutes, will be taking the stage to give his WWDC 2008 keynote. We are monitoring all the news, and will be bringing you updates on everything going on, live, as it happens on stage. In case you’ve been summering in Antarctica, we are expecting the new to be launched (and not expecting it to be as radical as others think it will be - no front-facing camera, no iChat video chat - just some 3G and GPS goodness), should be given out to developers to take home with them in anticipation of the launch of OS X 10.6 at MacWorld 2009, and the new .Mac replacement we’ve all been hearing about, Mobile Me, should be announced and shown off to the masses.

Well, it’s just about time. Let’s get started…

Click to continue reading Live blogging the WWDC 2008 Steve Jobs Keynote

Apple Store Down

In a move that is completely shocking to most, on the morning of a keynote, the Apple Online Store has gone down! What in the blazes?!

In all seriousness though, at the very least, this confirms that we will definitely be seeing some new hardware when takes the stage in 15 minutes or so. Or Mobile Me subscription packages.

Amazon.com down

Don’t look now (well, you can if you want,) but the biggest online retailer in the universe, , is currently down. Apparently, they’ve been gone for about an hour and a half at this point. Visiting the site results in the cryptic “Http/1.1 Service Unavailable” message. That’s never good. We actually had something we wanted to purchase with overnight shipping, and if they don’t make it back online, it looks like we will be out of luck. Oh well, I guess we can use competing sites. Don’t forget, in your time of need, you can always use a Newegg promo code to save some cash. Especially while Amazon is having trouble.

Did you know that for every minute of downtime suffered, Amazon is losing out on roughly $31,000.00 USD in sales?

EDIT: Okay, looks like they’re back.

Zac BrowserJohn LeSieur’s grandson has autism and couldn’t get into computers. Because the man works in software and couldn’t find something already available, he created the Zac Browser, named for the boy. The browser consists of hand-picked free websites such as those with educational games, music, videos, and such images as a virtual aquarium. Extraneous keyboard buttons that would be confusing have been disabled. Not only was it welcomed by Zac, John is offering his program free of charge to other parents of autistic children. Our props for another fine effort from someone who could, and did.

Read More | Examiner
