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Friday December 12, 2008 10:47 pm

The Best Music of 2008

Posted by Kellsee Chu Categories: Site Features,

Bon Iver

Which albums, songs or shows had you raving in 2008? Find out what our Kellsee Chu chose as this year’s best:

Best Albums

1. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago:  Bon Iver is Justin Vernon who recorded this album out in the remote Wisconsin cabin where he lived for 3 months.  The result is this gorgeous album filled with songs about lost and love.  If being isolated in a cabin in Wisconsin can produce music like this, I’m all for him going back there permanently.  Bonus points to Vernon for his beautiful cover of Okkervil River’s “Blue Tulip.”

2. Ra Ra Riot - The Rhumb Line:  Their drummer John Pike died last year in a drowning accident, but this band decided to go on and it was the right decision. It’s an album full of catchy tunes. “Can You Tell” and “Dying is Fine” are excellent.

3. Okkervil River - The Stand Ins:  These songs were originally going to be part of their last album, The Stage Names, but they decided to release them as a separate album instead.  Another solid effort by this Austin based band.  The lyrics by singer Will Sheff are always the best part about Okkervil River.  From the song “Blue Tulip”:  “Hats off to my distant hope/a ray of light/a puff of smoke/my street tonight’s on fire with hope/you will be there/you will see us.”

4. Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs:  When I first bought this album, I told a friend about it and her reply “Oh I forgot about them.” I think most people have overlooked this album, but I listened to it quite a bit this year.  Songs like “No Sunlight” and “Your New Twin Sized Bed” are just as good some of their best songs.  Don’t be like my friend.  Don’t forget about Death Cab for Cutie.

5. The Acorn - Glory Hope Mountain: I can’t say enough about this band.  A little band from Ottawa, Canada, this album is about the mother of lead singer Rolf Klausener.  It is her story of escaping Honduras and starting a new life in Canada.  This material may be heavy, but the songs are wonderful.  Folk rock at it’s best.

6. Ryan Adams - Cardinology:  I know what you are thinking. Ryan Adams. Really?  Most of his albums haven’t been very good and yes, he still needs someone to edit his work, but I enjoyed this album. It has been a grower.  If you liked his last effort, Easy Tiger, you’ll like this album. “Fix It,” “Cobwebs,” and “Crossed Out Name” are stand outs.

7. The Dodos - Visiter:  A duo from San Francisco, the songs sound so full even with only guitar and drums.  You will tap your foot and bob your head to this album.

8. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend:  As with most hyped bands, I resisted listening or checking them out for the longest time.  I eventually did and I’m glad I gave in.  It’s an album with fun, smart, poppy, and songs about commas.  What’s not to like?

9. Grand Archives - The Grand Archives:  Started by Mat Brooke, former member of Band of Horses and Carissa’s Wierd, this album is possibly one of the prettiest and sunniest sounding albums of this year.  Filled with three and four part harmonies, it’s album you can listen to over and over again and it’ll still be just as pretty. “Torn Blue Foam Coach” will melt your heart.

10. Portishead - Third:  I wasn’t much of a Portishead fan before this album.  In fact, one of their big hits, “Glory Box” from their previous album Dummy was annoying.  This album has changed my opinion of the band.  “The Rip” is stunning and their whole album is great as well.  No annoyance here.

Ra Ra Riot


Best Shows:

Radiohead - All Points West Festival, Jersey City, NJ
The Acorn - Mercury Lounge, New York, NY
Death Cab for Cutie/Band of Horses - Bumbershoot Festival, Seattle, WA

Best Songs (in no particular order):

“Ready for the Floor” - Hot Chip
“No Lucifer” - British Sea Power
“Rooks” - Shearwater
“No Sunlight” - Death Cab for Cutie
“Viva La Vida” - Coldplay (or should I say Joe Satriani?)
“The Rip” - Portishead
“Lost Coastlines” - Okkervil River
“Can You Tell” - Ra Ra Riot
“As Tall As Cliffs” - Margot & the Nuclear So & So’s
“No One Does It Like You” -Department of Eagles
“Single Ladies” - Beyonce
“Gillian Was a Horse” - Damien Jurado
“Godan daginn” - Sigur Ros

Best Artists I discovered this year:

Joshua Morrison
Madi Diaz

Are there any artists/albums you would like to add to Kellsee’s lists? If so, let us know what you think in the comments.



Excellent list, Kellsee.  Your Ryan Adams love knows no bounds.


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