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Wednesday June 6, 2012 6:29 pm
Paul McCartney to Headline Olympic Opening Show
Paul McCartney will perform at the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony concert on July 27.
The 69-year-old singer confirmed on Tuesday that he will headline the gig to celebrate the sporting event. He told BBC Radio 5 Live's Drive he's "been booked" for the musical performance and will in fact be "closing the opening." He is the first performer to announce his involvement in the ceremony while the lineup has yet to be released.
According to the BBC, a total cast of 15,000 will take part in the Olympic opening ceremony next month, and it's expected to be watched by 4 billion people worldwide.
Filmmaker Danny Boyle, the ceremony's creative director, told Vogue he borrowed ideas from Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein - and his hit production of the novel-inspired play starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller - when planning for the event with musical directors Underworld.
The former Beatle - who performed several songs as part of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee celebration Monday - admitted that "on certain occasions" he still gets nervous performing. Paul concluded the concert, following fellow big names like Elton John and Stevie Wonder, and joked to the crowd to exit "in an orderly fashion" or Her Majesty would "unleash the corgis."
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- danny boyle, inspiration, london olympics 2012, olympics, olympics 2012, paul mccartney, performances
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