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Thursday June 28, 2012 4:12 pm

Muse’s Most Diverse Album Yet


Muse has included jazz, brass and dubstep on The 2nd Law.

The band unveiled the first track from their sixth album, "Survival" - the official song of the London Olympics - last night, and have promised it contains a diverse range of musical styles: "There's a bigger emphasis on groove, we've always tried to improve on that with every album and I think on two or three tracks we've really nailed it. There's a couple of tracks where we've captured the other side of us too, they're quite minimal. There's a really jazzy brass number, I even tried to get a sax solo," singer Matt Bellamy said.

A trailer for the album has been unveiled online which showcased a heavily electronic, dubstep sound, but Matt played down speculation the whole album would be like that:

"We threw that trailer out on YouTube, which has got an excerpt from one of the tracks that's on the album. We wanted to show that the album's got lots of different faces. We've tried a bunch of new things, which the trailer gives a glimpse of. There's only one song that's like that. We've basically tried to do what Rage Against The Machine did with hip-hop in the 1990s and take a bit of the electronic world and dubstep and play it with real instruments. There's only one track like that, the rest of it is very very diverse."



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