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Tuesday November 24, 2009 4:17 pm

Michael Buble Comes to Fainting Fan’s Rescue

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Gossip,

Michael BubleMichael Buble had to catch a fan who fainted in his arms.

The “Haven’t Met You Yet” hitmaker delighted the mystery woman by stopping to chat with her - but she passed out after being overcome by his presence. Buble admits that has happened to him before.

“I’d just finished a show and was outside having a cigarette and a drink. This girl about 22 or 23 started talking. I could tell she was nervous, we exchanged pleasantries and then she passed out and I caught her!” he recalled. “A minute later she came round and just looked at me and said, ‘Oh God, what have I done?’ She was so embarrassed. That’s actually happened twice now.”

The singer always enjoyed being stopped and recognized by fans and doesn’t understand why other stars complain about the attention fame attracts.

“Sometimes people recognize me - I like it, it’s nice. I wanted to be famous and this is what comes with it. I’ve always been passionate about music but of course I wanted to be famous. To me, being successful at singing equaled fame,” he said.



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