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Wednesday October 30, 2013 11:33 am
Metallica Are Beliebers
The members of Metallica are Justin Bieber fans.
The "Sad But True" heavy metal legends are impressed by 19-year-old teen heartthrob Justin Bieber - whose fans are affectionately referred to as Beliebers - after he said their tracks "One" and "Fade to Black" are his "jams." Speaking to Q Magazine, singer James Hetfield said, "Are we Beliebers? Yes."
Drummer Lars Ulrich added, "Is it possible to have respect for him without being a Belieber? I think the kid's really talented and obviously to go through what he's going through at that early age must be a mind***k. So the fact that he still goes out there and does it, I admire that and I think he's super talented, so I guess I am kind of a Belieber. If he likes 'One,' and Liam Gallagher likes him, OK, there you go."
Justin was recently filmed backstage at a concert humming the guitar solo to "Fade to Black," while playing air guitar, accompanied by backing musician Dan Kanter.
Beady Eye singer Liam declared himself a Belieber after Justin came on stage two hours late for a concert in London. "I've got his f***ing back, man. Anyone who goes on two hours late is ####### right in my book. All these so-called rock bands that sit backstage going, 'Hey, let's wait 15 minutes.' F**k that, wait two hours and 15 minutes! No one will beat that, ever. So get off his back, man -- I am a Belieber!" he said.
- Related Tags:
- beliebers, fans, james hetfield, justin bieber, lars ulrich, metallica
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