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Wednesday June 23, 2010 9:26 pm

Christina Aguilera: Autotune is Okay with Me

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Artist News, Gossip, Videos, Pop,

I’m sure at one point, never imagined she would ever use something like Auto-Tune on her vocals - but then she scored a huge hit with 1998’s “Believe.” So should we be so shocked to hear that her Burlesque co-star, Christina Aguilera, is open to implementing the technology as well?

Although Christina clearly has no problem performing vocal gymnastics when she sings, the Grammy winner admits she’s not a total purist anymore.

In this interview with Sirius FM Satellite Radio, Aguilera - who used the tool on her new album for songs like “Elastic Love” -  says she “doesn’t get annoyed with the Auto-Tune thing, but only if it’s used in a creative way.”

So what do you think about Auto-Tune? Is there really a “creative way” to use it?

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