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Wednesday January 7, 2009 3:34 pm

A Triple Dose of Prince in 2009

PrinceIf singing “1999” seems a bit too nostalgic for 2009, you will soon have a larger Prince catalogue to choose from.

In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, the 50-year-old singer announced that was preparing to release three new albums over the current year. MPLSOUND, which has been described as “electro-flavored,” features Q-Tip on one of the tracks. “Guitar-driven” Lotus Flower includes “Dreamer,” a cover of “Crimson & Clover.” Then there’s Elixir, a collaboration with his latest protege, Bria Valente.

Since he has no plans to work through a record label, Prince said is currently in talks with a major retailer to distribute the discs. Fans would also be able to purchase the music in digital form through the artist’s web site.

Read More | Los Angeles Times



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