The Future is Blu for Blockbuster

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Sony, Home Entertainment, Technology,
Having offered both Blu-ray and HD DVD discs since 2006, Blockbuster has finally chosen their favorite high-definition child. Okay to be fair—they just acknowledged what their customers have been preferring.
Although Toshiba was the first to deliver its HD DVD baby, rentals of the Sony version have outpaced its competitor by 70%. Exclusive partnerships with major movie studios—and therefore a wider range of film choices—has helped with Sony’s appeal.
Both formats had been receiving equal promotion at 250 of Blockbuster’s stores, but an additional 1450 locations will now be Blu-ray exclusive. Users of the online service will still have access to both formats.
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Organ Transplants Subject of Latest Thriller

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Universal, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Casting, Upcoming Releases,
I remember hearing recently about a controversial Dutch ‘reality’ show involving a terminally ill woman and the ‘contestants’ vying for her kidney. Although the show was later revealed to be a hoax, the producers said their intent was to raise awareness about organ donation.
Well as noble as the idea may have been, it was also quite trend-setting. Who could have predicted in 2006 that organ transplants stories would become the latest black?
It’s been announced that Oscar-winner Forest Whitaker and Oscar-nominee Jude Law are set to star in a futuristic tale about the growing need for organs. Those having to settle for artificial kind are allowed to purchase them on credit, but non-payment signals a not-so-gentle knock on the door from the repo man. Filming on Repossession Mambo begins this summer.

Like Ocean’s Thirteen, critics rated Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer better than its predecessor. And like Ocean’s, Fantastic found its way on top of the ever-revolving box office heap. With help from a more family-friendly rating (down from PG-13 to a PG), the superhero clan raked in $2 million more in its opening weekend than its 2005 turnout.
But it takes more than just a PG to win viewers over—it apparently takes Jessica Alba in a skin-tight outfit…and the prim and proper Nancy Drew had to learn that the hard way. The latest incarnation of the beloved character only placed 7th despite the numerous times Julia Roberts’ name had been dropped these past few weeks. BTW—I feel incredibly bad that daddy Eric Roberts has been continuously trumped by his more famous sister. Emma is HIS daughter after all.
Click to continue reading Box Office Breakdown: Silver Surfer Scores the Gold
Yet Another Game-Based Movie In Development

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Adaptation, Science Fiction, Rumors,
Legendary Pictures, which also helped to bring 300 to the big screen has a variety of game-based movie projects in the works – and one more huge Blizzard series is adding its name to the list. With World of Warcraft already set for a movie iteration, Legendary moved its eyes to the ever-popular hack-n’-slash Diablo franchise. While nothing has been announced, and the only information we have to base this on is a listing under the “In Development” area on the official LP website, we’re hoping that the movie draws from the series’ deep backstory – reflected in the number of novels that have been released. Oh, and for it to not be terrible like virtually every movie of this ilk. But that might be asking for too much.
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Shriek! More Shreks to Come

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: DreamWorks, Animation, Sequels, Comedy, Upcoming Releases,
Although many people have equated the latest Shrek incarnation to tired rehash, I surprisingly enjoyed it despite my expectations. I thought it still managed to inject some original adult humor while being enjoyably light and breezy. But having said all that, I did also tell my FilmCrunch partner, Neil Estep, that the series could go no further. All possible storylines had officially been exhausted. Or so I thought…
Producer Jeffrey Katzenberg recently announced to a crowd in Germany that fans should be expecting a fourth movie. Additionally, we learned that Shrek television holiday special will be created to help complete the deterioration of the series. NOTE TO KATZENBERG: I vaguely remember my husband showing me a very poor quality version of the 1978 Star Wars holiday special…and let me assure you, that did not hold up years later.
For those wondering (as I was) what the next ogre installment could possibly be about, Shrek will apparently be dealing with something from his past. I’m going to take a guess and say that he was hesistant about becoming a dad in the third film because he had secretly fathered other ogres in Far, Far Away. Now that could give me an interesting enough reason to come back for more…
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DVD REVIEW: Trading Places: Special Collector’s Edition

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Paramount, Classics, Comedy, New Releases, DVD Reviews,
Last week, I was faced with a very difficult decision: Could I find a new DVD to review other than Norbit? The pickings were very slim, so I ultimately chose to make a compromise. Rather than endure a painful Eddie Murphy exhibition, I elected to watch him at his best—- in the new Trading Places (Special Collector’s Edition).
Not only did I reacquaint myself with a comedy that has remained fresh since its 1983 debut, I had the chance to see extras that were not included in the movie’s initial DVD offering. In fact, most of the footage had not even been seen since the movie was originally released.
A quick synopsis for those who haven’t had the opportunity to see the film even once: Two rich, old businessmen (Mortimer and Randolph Duke) decide to make a bet while testing out the Nature vs. Nurture theory. Could they force their trust-worthy assistant (Dan Akyroyd) into a life of crime by taking away his livelihood….or would his good breeding and skills carry him through? And could they make a street criminal (Eddie Murphy) into a valued employee by giving him a good home and clothes….or would he eventually resort back to his old ways?
Click to continue reading DVD REVIEW: Trading Places: Special Collector’s Edition
FilmCrunch 055: Vacancy, Fracture, Little Children

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: New Line, Sony, Adaptation, Drama, Horror, Comedy, Thrillers, DVD Reviews, Full Episodes, Theatrical Reviews, Videocasts,
Veronica Santiago and Neil Estep review the theatrical releases of Vacancy and Fracture, as well as the DVD release of Little Children in this episode of FilmCrunch.
Now we want to hear from you - hit the forums and let us know what you think, what you want us to watch next, and any other recommendations you have for the show.
The Sicko in Moore

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Weinstein Company, Documentary, Filmmaking, Upcoming Releases,
You might have seen trailers for Michael Moore’s new Sicko – one memorable clip shows President George W. Bush at a press conference. But, unlike Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko does not focus on the Bush administration (that’s better left to the comics, these days). This documentary is about American healthcare, an issue that many politicians say they care about, though precious little ever changes. The film focuses on pharmaceutical companies and corruption in the Food and Drug Administration, and is particularly harsh toward Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. As the First Lady, Clinton was an advocate of a better health care system for all. Now that she’s a bona fide politician and possible Presidential candidate, Clinton is one of the biggest recipients of money from the health care industry. Sicko takes viewers inside the dark side of healthcare, showcasing the horrors that ordinary people must face when they discover they are underinsured (or worse, uninsured). While everyone else focuses on energy, global warming, and education, Michael Moore goes for the jugular of American politics and problems: health care.
Click to continue reading The Sicko in Moore
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Independent Filmmakers Recoup Losses with YouTube

Posted by Johnny Mercedes Categories: Independent, Distribution, Filmmaking, Technology,
In the ever-changing world of independent film, directors are constantly looking for new ways to market their movies. While the Internet has long been one of these tools, two filmmakers are taking things to the next level. Not only are Arin Crumley and Susan Buice putting their entire full-length film, Four Eyed Monsters, on YouTube for all to see, they’ve also found a way to make some money and get out of debt. For one week, Spout, a place where people can go to talk about movies, will give the pair one dollar for every person who subscribes to their site. We here at FilmCrunch love the site and believe anyone who likes movies should be a member, but now you also have a chance to monetarily support independent film from the comfort of your couch – I’d call that a win-win. The donations are already up to $17,500.00, but the goal is substantially higher; check out the video for more info.
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Box Office Breakdown: Lucky Number 13

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: DreamWorks, Disney, Fox Searchlight, MGM, Lionsgate, Paramount, Touchstone, Universal, Warner Independant Films, Action, Adaptation, Animation, Drama, Family, Horror, Independent, Romance, Sequels, Comedy, Thrillers, Box Office, Lists, New Releases,

Having exhausted all their sequel choices, theater patrons quickly moved on to the latest offering: Ocean’s Thirteen. Despite general indifference for the series’ second movie, Steven Soderbergh and friends faced down the unlucky number and rolled the dice again. Their gamble paid off well this weekend when they took down Captain Jack Sparrow and his mates
Of course, viewers who crave the comfort of familiarity can still manage to have discerning taste. Eli Roth’s Hostel: Part II only rounded enough voyeurs to rank a mediocre 6th place. Here’s to hoping that the era of grisly horror movies is once again over…
Click to continue reading Box Office Breakdown: Lucky Number 13
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