Box Office Breakdown: Almighty Only Does Alrighty

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Disney, MGM, Paramount, Sony, Universal, Warner Bros, Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Animation, Drama, Family, Political, Religious, Romance, Sequels, Comedy, Thrillers, Box Office, Lists, New Releases,

Question: When is being the #1 movie just not enough? (Hint: You have three chances to answer this question correctly).
- When the critics don’t really have anything good to say about you
- When you made less than 1/2 of what your predecessor did on opening weekend
- When it cost over $175 million just to create you
Apparently having God on your side doesn’t guarantee you heavenly box office numbers. Evan Almighty, the follow-up to 2003’s Bruce Almighty, failed to bring in a large congregation this past weekend. Although it did better than the rest of the flock, it’s $32 million take paled in comparison to Bruce’s $68 million opening. And then there’s that glaring $175 million bill…
Of course, we shouldn’t feel so badly about Steve Carell’s career. I have a feeling that God is providing for him in other ways.
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Cruise Barred for Being a Scientologist

Posted by Johnny Mercedes Categories: Celeb News, Celebrity Controversy, Upcoming Releases,
In a new film entitled Valkyrie, Tom Cruise will play Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg, a man deeply opposed to Nazi treatment of the Jews and leader of a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately, the plan to film on German military sites was quickly undermined when Defense Ministry spokesperson Harald Kammerbauer denied the crew access citing Cruise’s belief in Scientology. Kammerbauer claimed that the Church of Scientology is not recognized as a church by the German government and that the religion is merely an invention to make money. Furthermore, he said the film would not be shot on the sites as long as Cruise was playing Count Stauffenberg.
Kammerbauer also stated that the German military deeply espouse the accurate portrayal of Stauffenberg and the events of said mission. One of the films producers, Paula Wagner, was quick to refute: “(Cruise’s) personal beliefs have absolutely no bearing on the movie’s plot, themes or content.”
I’m no advocate for Scientology. In fact, I largely agree with the opinion of the German military — Scientology is a façade, a faux religion for rich people. But I must side with Cruise in this case — this is a ridiculous reason to hinder the production of a movie. He is an actor. His religious affiliation won’t have an effect on how this story is told. And hasn’t Germany learned yet about the dangers of discrimination?
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Hugh Hefner Approves Biography in ‘Playboy’

Posted by Johnny Mercedes Categories: Adaptation, Celeb News, Scripts, Upcoming Releases,
The ever-suave social activist and founder of Playboy magazine, who sold the rights to his life story several years ago, has recently given the green-light to a film version. Directed by Brett Ratner (X-Men: The Last Stand, Rush Hour), the movie will focus on all major aspects of Hef’s life: his humble upbringing; his advocacy for free speech; a near-death experience in the 1980s; and, of course, his rampant sexual exploits.
Brain Grazer (A Beautiful Mind, The Da Vinci Code) is set to produce the film, and a script is already in the works, though the writer has yet to be announced.
I can only ask myself, “What took so long?” The man has been a social icon for decades, has sex (presumably all day) with beautiful women, and speaks out against censorship — this has “movie” written all over it. Hopefully, the filmmakers weren’t just waiting for him to die, because there’s something they should know: Hugh Hefner is a bona fide superhero, and he’s not going anywhere.
The obvious second question that remains in my mind is, “Who will play Hugh?” My vote is for Greg Kinnear. Or how about Vincent Gallo? That’d be interesting.
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FilmCrunch 056: Deja Vu, Hot Fuzz, Night at the Museum, Freedom Writers

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: 20th Century Fox, Touchstone, Universal, Action, Adaptation, Family, Romance, Science Fiction, Comedy, Thrillers, DVD Reviews, Full Episodes, Theatrical Reviews, Videocasts,
In this episode of FilmCrunch, Veronica Santiago and Neil Estep review the theatrical releases of Hot Fuzz, Deja Vu, and Freedom Writers, as well as the DVD release of A Night at the Museum.
Now we want to hear from you - hit the forums and let us know what you think, what you want us to watch next, and any other recommendations you have for the show.
The Preview Review: You Kill Me, Hot Rod, I Am Legend

Posted by Johnny Mercedes Categories: IFC Films, Paramount, Warner Bros, Action, Adaptation, Independent, Science Fiction, Comedy, Thrillers, New Releases, Trailers, Upcoming Releases,

The Preview Review is a weekly exposé that looks at the newest movie trailers and, using the age-old concept of cause and effect (i.e., good trailer causes me to see bad movie), attempts to pinpoint those elements that lead to another two hours of wasted life.
This week we’ll take a look at two summer comedies and a big December blockbuster*.
*possibly lackluster
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It’s No Mystery: Nancy Drew is a Hit

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Warner Bros, Adaptation, Mystery, Casting, New Releases,
Nancy Drew is perhaps best known by women, most associated with yellow books, and loved for her girl-detective approach to life. There is always some concern when a movie is adapted from a popular book series – will they get the character right, will they make it modern enough for even today’s girls to connect, will they give us a juicy Drew-type mystery? The reviews are in, and the Nancy Drew movie hits every single mark. Played by Emma Roberts (daughter of Eric and niece to Julia), Nancy Drew jumps off the page and becomes a heroine that even today’s ultra-modern, high-tech teens can adore.
There is enough standard Nancy to keep purists happy, but enough modernization to keep this flick from being a flop. In Nancy Drew’s first big screen appearance since the 1930s, Nancy, father Carson, and housekeeper Hannah move from River Heights (a city that, anyone who has read the books knows, has been Nancy’s stomping ground for decades) for sunny L.A. In her new school, Nancy is initially shunned by her peers. Does she change who she is to better fit in? Not Nancy Drew – she stays the same, and in the end wins more than a few fans over to her side and her way of thinking.
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Tom DeLay Calls Michael Moore A ‘Chicken’

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Documentary, Political, Upcoming Releases,
A scheduled debate for this Sunday’s This Week with George Stephanopolous will not go on as planned. Now the cancellation has Michael Moore and former House GOP leader Tom DeLay trading barbs.
ABC had arranged for the director to discuss the nation’s health care situation, the subject of his upcoming documentary, Sicko. But Moore has since changed his mind, prompting DeLay to throw soft punches via his website. DeLay claims that Moore refused to give him a preview copy of the film and then cancelled without explanation. He then proceeded to call him a ‘chicken’.
Having recently seen Michael Moore on The View, I personally believe that he could handle himself in any fight (and he was dealing with the leader of a conservative think tank and Elisabeth Hasselbeck that day). As to why he cancelled, Moore said through a statement that the debate was originally scheduled with Billy Tauzin, the head of the pharmaceuticals industry lobby. When ABC offered up Tom DeLay instead, Moore was no longer interested because DeLay ‘has nothing to do with the specific issues raised in the film Sicko and is under indictment.’
But those of us who love a juicy fight should not give up hope. Moore did say that a one-on-one with DeLay could still happen sometime in the future: “We will be happy to debate Delay in whatever prison he ultimately relocates to and allow ABC to cover that debate”.
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How Mighty is Evan?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Universal, Sequels, Comedy, Casting, New Releases,
The early reviews are in – how does Evan Almighty stack up against its Jim Carrey counterpart? Morgan Freeman is back as God, and Steve Carell (who is hilarious) will play…well, he’s sort of playing Noah. And this time, it’s all about the ark. The huge-budget comedy takes an age-old story and shoves it, forcibly, right into everyone’s faces. It’s already a stale story – everybody totally already knows everything about the ark.
Click to continue reading How Mighty is Evan?
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Letters of ‘Iwo To’?

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Adaptation, Drama, Period, Political,
The island famous for its role in WWII has now taken on a new identity. Time to forget everything you once knew: Iwo Jima has officially changed its name to Iwo To.
I took Spanish in high school, so I have absolutely no idea how this works. In Japanese, the two names (Iwo Jima, Iwo To) apparently have the same look and meaning (‘Sulfur Island’) but come with (natch) two different pronunciations. Unfortunately, Japanese naval officers who took over the island during the war mistakenly gave it the now widely known name.
Natives forced to flee were obviously disturbed by what had happened to their island—and the incorrect name has just poured salt into their wounds after all these years. Having to see movies like Clint Eastwood’s Letters from Iwo Jima and Flags Of Our Fathers have only reinforced that anger spurring many of the former inhabitants to finally push for the change. To right what had been wronged, the Japanese Geographical Survey Institute agreed to adopt the new name.
School kids still reeling from the loss of planet Pluto will be in for another rude awakening when they return this fall…
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Daniel Craig, New Director Attached to Latest Bond Film

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Action, Sequels, Thrillers, Casting, Upcoming Releases,
I sometimes forget how lucky I am. I have food, shelter, family, friends….and now the opportunity to see the sexy Daniel Craig buttoned up in another suit. Life is good.
It should come as no surprise that Craig was recently confirmed for the next 007 film. His turn as the legendary James Bond helped bring Casino Royale amazing reviews and impressive box office numbers—and made this girl care about the series once again.
Of particular note was the name tapped for the helm of this latest venture: Marc Forster. The acclaimed director—known for his work on Finding Neverland, Monster’s Ball and Stranger Than Fiction—will be taking over the reins from Royale director, Martin Campbell. Oscar-award winning screenwriter Paul Haggis (Crash) will once again return to help adapt the screenplay. He also contributed to the Casino script.
Forster recently wrapped work on the film adaptation of a best-selling novel, The Kite Runner. Production on ‘Bond 22’ is set to begin at the end of this year in hopes of a November 2008 release.
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