Tuesday May 29, 2012 2:44 am
Robert Rodriguez Isn’t Afraid of Hollywood

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Miramax, Weinstein Company, Action, Adaptation, Mystery, Noir, Sequels, Thrillers, Filmmaking, Upcoming Releases,
Robert Rodriguez has "more power" than other directors because he made his first movie himself.
The director started his career with Mexican gun toting guitarist drama Mariachi - which was entirely self funded and had a tiny budget, but became a huge hit - which make him unafraid of Hollywood, because he can always go back to doing it all himself.
"Because I made Mariachi first I always knew that no matter what, I could always go and do that again. They bought that, so [I say to studios] 'make my movie, or I'll just go make it myself.' You always have a lot more power that way because they know you don't need them, so I've always had a lot more luck because of the fact that was my fist movie. That made much more of a statement than had my first film been something that they gave me an opportunity to make, then I would have always been at their service."
Robert is about to make Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, which he will co-direct with comic book artist Frank Miller, and he maintains their version will remain as faithful as possible to the original comics.
"Frank Miller is super excited. Whenever we shoot, we have to check everything with Frank. Sometimes he will want to change something, and he'll be like, 'I'm thinking of changing the dialogue to this.' And we'll be like, 'No - because you have to go with what you originally wrote, because you were in the right space then.' So I avoid changing stuff, just because we can doesn't mean you should, I want him to be faithful to his own material," he said.
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