Tuesday March 13, 2012 12:40 am
Robert Pattinson’s Alter Ego Battle
Robert Pattinson admits his Twilight character would not approve of his Bel Ami alter-ego.
The Hollywood heartthrob is famed for playing Edward Cullen in the vampire franchise and he admits his character in his latest film, Georges Duroy, couldn't be more different from one-woman man Edward.
"I guess there's something quite fun about Bel Ami, going from Edward to playing some guy who pretty much abuses women to get money out of them. Edward so wouldn't approve - and I thought that was a funny irony. But the story, independently, is great, so I only thought about the irony afterwards."
Robert also says George has no redeeming features about him as he doesn't care who he hurts: "He just doesn't have a conscience. He's content to do nothing and thinks everything should just be given to him. But if someone slights him, or directs any insult at him, the most overwhelming energy grabs him and he turns into the absolute devil. It's like in Giant, when James Dean builds the entire empire to say, 'F**k you.' He's exactly like that but without any redeeming characteristics. The whole story is these people trying to beat him down into remorse, and just as he's about to touch it, something good happens to him again."
- Related Tags:
- bel ami, characters, edward cullen, georges duroy, robert pattinson, roles, twilight
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