Sunday September 20, 2009 11:18 am
Patrick Swayze Cremated
Patrick Swayze has been cremated.
The Dirty Dancing star’s ashes are currently being held at his lawyer’s office, his death certificate states. It is understood that the remains will stay at the office until Patrick’s wife Lisa Niemi arranges for them to be moved.
Website RadarOnline reports, “Patrick Swayze has been cremated and his wife Lisa is moving ahead with plans to scatter his remains on his New Mexico ranch.”
It is unknown whether there are plans to hold a family memorial service for Patrick, who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer last Monday; however, a public memorial service took place in the town of Lake Lure, North Carolina, where much of 1987 movie Dirty Dancing was filmed.
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- cremated, cremation, cremations, death, deaths, memorial service, obit, obits, obituaries, obituary, patrick swayze, patrick swayze death
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