Thursday March 29, 2012 9:18 am
Michael Bay Confirms Ninja Turtles Title
Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Paramount, Action, Adaptation, Classics, Family, Remakes, Science Fiction, Celebrity Controversy, Scripts, Upcoming Releases,
Michael Bay has confirmed the forthcoming film version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will simply be called Ninja Turtles.
The director - who is producing the forthcoming film for Jonathan Liebesman - has admitted the name will be changed but said the lead characters would continue to be the same as how people know them.
"Paramount marketing changed the name. They made the title simple. The characters you all remember are exactly the same and yes they still act like teenagers. Everything you remember, why you liked the characters, is in this movie. The script is being developed by two very smart writers; with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles. They care VERY MUCH about making this film for the fans. Everyone on this team cares about the fans. Just give them a chance. Jonathan the director, is a major fan of the whole franchise. HE'S NOT GOING TO LET YOU DOWN.(sic)" he wrote on his official site.
It is not the first time Michael has had to take to the internet to calm claims about the movie - he asked fans to "take a breath" after uproar at the suggestion the Turtles; Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo and Raphael, would be members of an alien race.
- Related Tags:
- jonathan liebesman, michael bay, ninja turtles, producers, reboots, teenage mutant ninja turtles, titles, tmnt
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