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Wednesday March 28, 2012 2:31 am

Kevin Smith Bored of Action Films

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Celeb News, Filmmaking,

Kevin SmithKevin Smith thinks shooting action films is "f**king boring."

The director - who has previously made Red State and Cop Out - claims he is now bored of creating the dramatic films and would rather spend his life chatting.

"I'd rather waste time sitting around talking to people than waste time on a movie set. Well, it's not a waste because you're eventually getting a product, but you shoot two weeks for a 30-second action sequence. Life's too short. Shooting action is just painstakingly f**king boring."

Kevin plans to retire from making movies after his next project because he feels he has nothing left to add to the world of cinema: "After 20 years of doing it, it feels like, 'Let me try something else for 20 years.' I don't have anything left to say in movies now. I'm just spinning wheels."

The 41 year-old claims he never regrets any of the work he has done or hasn't done.

"The one that I was offered that I'll never regret saying no to is Good Will Hunting. When we brought it to Mirimax, Harvey Weinstein, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were like, 'Why don't you direct it?' But I was like, 'That's awesome, but we need someone good.'"



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